Archivos de Diario para mayo 2022

24 de mayo de 2022

Welcome One and All

On behalf of the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) and the New England National Scenic Trail, welcome to our project! New England Trail Nature Watch has been launched as part of an ongoing research project conducted by the AMC, in order to study the impacts of climate change on plant phenology (timing of biological events). The New England Trail provides a great diverse setting for this project, as its 215 mile length spans two states and reaches elevations over 1500 feet.

This project has the goal of collecting data on the general biodiversity (the range and abundance of species) as well as plant phenology along the trail corridor. We are eager to welcome any relevant observations you collect. This project is open to all, even those not directly on the trail. While the New England Trail is listed as the project "place", your observations can range about 10-20 miles outside its length.

We do ask your observations to be of wild organisms, and to leave any natural areas as you found them. Please see the Project List for any specific organisms to look out for on your outings. We appreciate your interest in contributing to this project and can't wait to see what you find!

The AMC and Trail will be hosting webinars as well as in-person training events regarding this project and its significance, so keep an eye out for coming information.

Thank you!

Publicado el 24 de mayo de 2022 a las 04:46 PM por grace_piselli grace_piselli | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario