Archivos de Diario para febrero 2020

20 de febrero de 2020

Collection tip #1

I just thought I'd share my collection technique at this moment. I carry a paper cup with me and a toothpick. It's easy to lift a bug out of the Tanglefoot and wipe it inside the cup. When I get home I take scissors and cut the cup into pieces that have bugs, then photograph. I do most of my photographing with a camera mounted to a microscope, not sure how well a camera with macro lens might work, given the Tanglefoot smear. This link: suggests using citrus oil to remove the sticky goo. I haven't tried this yet, since I'm not exactly sure what to buy. So far, with the help of iNat specialists on various insect groups, like bark beetles and stink bugs, I've been able to ID several to species despite the Tanglefoot. -Ken

Publicado el 20 de febrero de 2020 a las 06:28 PM por kenkneidel kenkneidel | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario