04 de junio de 2020

Native seedlings in each zone or specific location

As the native seedling observations have become more numerous - and especially as more of the existing observations are uploaded to iNaturalist - we can begin to compare the results in various sites within Gahnia Grove - Show all Observations then use the filters in the Search function to refine the Place, eg the Annexe Glade margin, Annexe, Forest below the Annexe, Apron, Forest below the Apron, Arena, Forest below the Arena, CHF Bank, Forest below CHF Bank, Flame Tree Bank, Forest below Flame Tree Bank
The above search results have been ordered by date observed, Ascending - ie oldest to newest observations.

Publicado el 04 de junio de 2020 a las 04:22 AM por kaipatiki_naturewatch kaipatiki_naturewatch | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

19 de enero de 2019

How many native seedlings in the neighbourhood?

Besides the common pioneers such as karamu, ti kouka, mapou, pseudopanax and manuka (rare as seedlings, perhaps due to lack of light under canopy and recent history of dense weed invasion outside it), the seedlings relatively common in Gahnia Grove so far are totara, kahikatea, and tanekaha.

All the above species except manuka and tanekaha occur as seedlings in numerous places throughout the neighbourhood, but particularly where there is a tree (wild or planted, native or introduced) with fruit or flowers which feed birds, provided the ground cover is free of dense ground cover or herbicide use. They have been observed in high density in hedges, grass berms where the mowing ends, in shrubberies, in weedy gardens and driveway borders, particularly under Coprosma, which arise wild in untended areas such as those mentioned above.

Tanekaha seedlings have also been seen among uncontrolled weeds in an untended property/berm border under totara, but did not survive subsequent drought.

Many wild native seedlings in the streets, gardens and reserves of this neighbourhood thrive with a little manual suppression of the weeds immediately around them, provided moderate shade, shelter and soil moisture are maintained (eg by the surrounding wild natives such as coprosma, and by the weeds, whether standing or loosely arranged as mulch).

Publicado el 19 de enero de 2019 a las 03:08 AM por kaipatiki_naturewatch kaipatiki_naturewatch | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

What species are commonest among native seedlings in Gahnia Grove?

No attempt has been made to record all native seedlings present in Gahnia Grove. Observations are generally made when an additional species is seen, or where there is an interesting occurrence, density or diversity of seedlings.

Some seedlings are observed and recorded repeatedly, particularly those of less-common species, so observation numbers may not accurately reflect the prominence of a species.

Using iNat's "Explore" function with filters for date observed, the results of an Observations search can be narrowed to a time period, eg those observations made since September or October 2018, which is likely to remove repeat obs of the same specimen, though in some cases repeat observations are made in a short period of time to obtain species identification.

Publicado el 19 de enero de 2019 a las 02:49 AM por kaipatiki_naturewatch kaipatiki_naturewatch | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
