Archivos de Diario para mayo 2014

24 de mayo de 2014

Group Walk Report for May 24, 2014

Eleven folks participated in this month's group bird walk this morning. We enjoyed pleasant, overcast conditions and a good amount of bird activity. Unfortunately the male Golden-cheeked warbler recorded last month was not heard or seen. But here are some highlights from other observations we made.

Below the spring there was a nice flow of water that supported several large tadpoles. I assume from their size and a past observation of a Rio Grande Leopard Frog that these were the same species. Here's a fuzzy photo of one:


Nearby, this sprawling plant with huge yellow flowers and gourds caught our attention. It turned out to be Buffalo Gourd:

Buffalo Gourd (Cucurbita foetidissima)

On the sandy prairie area we got to hear and then see the single male Yellow-throated Warbler that has spent the last two summers here. We also found some nice Gray Fox tracks in the damp sand. And we got great looks at this female Summer Tanager holding some nesting material in her bill:

Summer Tanager (Female with nesting material)

On the west side of the preserve we found this male Summer Tanager feeding on Agarita berries:

Summer Tanager (Male with Agarita berry)

We observed 25 species of birds total. Here's our list:

Publicado el 24 de mayo de 2014 a las 10:57 PM por mikaelb mikaelb | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario