Dock fouling?

Hi all,
I ran into this blog from an inaturalist user in the Bay Area. I thought it was pretty interesting and something we might want to try if we’re feeling adventurous!

Maybe some of you have done this before? They found some great stuff.

Publicado el 25 de noviembre de 2020 a las 05:16 AM por naturephotosuze naturephotosuze


Laying on your belly on poop covered planks? Hell yea! Let's find a dock area which we can legally enter. Suggestions?
The other day, I took a closer look at iron posts that hold up fencing on Ormond Beach and even there found a tiny mini reef with lots of life.

Anotado por andreacala hace casi 4 años

We did this last year in San Pedro on an In the Field event with the Natural History Museum. Super cool stuff. Of course, it helped having the NHM scientists there to really pick out the less obvious organisms :)

Anotado por scubabruin hace casi 4 años

Thanks for this! I needed a good snort. Count me in!

Anotado por redrovertracy hace casi 4 años

Thanks for all the feedback everyone!

Anotado por naturephotosuze hace casi 4 años

Speaking about places to go and things to observe, today, on the way to Nicholas Flats, the gates at Rocky Oaks (Kanan Rd at Mulholland Hwy) were open. On the way back, I stopped over and took one of the loops. The massive oaks have mostly survived the Woolsey Fire and are recovering nicely. But otherwise, there was very little to see this time of the year besides bone dry grasses, mustard, dock, etc. I took a look at the boulders, but those I saw were without lichens. There were a few Lesser Goldfinches, YR Warblers, WC Sparrows, a Flicker, a few Ground Squirrels, all in the far distance and clearly not used to people and extremely shy. There's a now dry, shallow pond area with dry rushes, a bit like the pond at Trippet Ranch/Topanga, which might be a nice place to find frogs and toads in the spring. But traffic noise from Kanan and Mulholland (55mph roads) makes this one of the less enjoyable parks, I think. I was the only person around, so that's a plus.
Also Charmlee has opened again recently, and I will check it out sometime soon.

Anotado por andreacala hace casi 4 años

Happy Thanksgiving, dear Wild Women! Even if it'll likely be a very minimalist edition... And be safe out there. We just got red-flag warnings from the FD, due to the Santa Ana event from Thursday PM. And so I will pack my go bag once again...

Anotado por andreacala hace casi 4 años

Happy Thanksgiving backatcha!
Wishing you all good health and warmed hearts. But not wildfire-heated. Stay safe.
Also, I'm grateful for this group of curious, adventurous, nature-loving, dock-fouling, 21st-century amazons 💪🏻🙏🏻

Anotado por redrovertracy hace casi 4 años

And I add my Happy Thanksgiving wishes as well! Finding you all and joining as Wild Women has been one of the better parts of 2020 and I am so very thankful for your friendship, enthusiasm, mentorship, encouragement, and company (both in person and virtual). Stay safe and healthy, crossing fingers for no wild fires, and looking forward to dock fouling with you all sometime soon.
Big hugs to you all!

Anotado por scubabruin hace casi 4 años

Happy thanksgiving to all of you as well! It has been great getting to know you all and I’m so happy to find other like minded people out there. When I see how some people treat the environment or act like humans are the most important species on earth, it is discouraging. But having met you all, it brings me encouragement to see that others treasure nature and advocate for our plants and animals,

Have a safe holiday everyone and let’s hope there are no fires. Let’s also hope that we eventually get some’s so dry. And good to know Charmlee is was always a great place before the fire. And rocky Oaks was even nice when the pond was full. That was many moons ago.

Best wishes all and see you in the field.

Anotado por naturephotosuze hace casi 4 años

There's a dock fouling project on iNat:
Locations were observations were made that are within reach are Ventura Harbor and several in Long Beach.

Anotado por andreacala hace mas de 3 años

Thanks Andrea. I have also seen some from Redondo Beach I think.

Anotado por naturephotosuze hace mas de 3 años

I sense a field trip coming up...:)
Hope you all enjoyed a relaxing New Year eve and have a terrific start to 2021!

Anotado por scubabruin hace mas de 3 años

Hey, I don't mean to put a damper on this idea and I'm sure there is an open dock somewhere. Having said that, the docks in Ventura Harbor seem to be gated and the observer is a marine biologist in SB, so he would have been able to get access/permission. And, it looks like the Redondo Beach observations may have come from an NHMLA event, based on some of the observers. Again, that may mean they got permission to access the docks.

Anotado por scubabruin hace mas de 3 años

As to Ventura Harbor, I went there a few weeks ago when this idea first surfaced and found the dock area closed to visitors. Maybe there's a public harbor a bit further north, but around the visitor center they all belong to a private yacht club. The only docks I remember being accessible are those in Marina del Rey, at least they were about 10 years ago. When the weekend is over, tourists have returned home, virtual school is back in session, and beach areas are less crowded, I'll take the bike and cruise around MdR and check. I'd so love to explore this!

Anotado por andreacala hace mas de 3 años

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