Archivos de Diario para enero 2017

31 de enero de 2017




The Cultivar, Maguey do Cerrado, is an urban permaculture project. Its mission is to research, develop and replicate sustainability methodologies and environmental management in semi-arid environments.

Ativo 30

Through a dialogue network, it promotes the connection of groups, producers and training institutions, with the aim of developing products, services and training processes that enable sustainable local development.

Ativo 27

The effects of climate change, urbanization and water restriction in the planet make it difficult to obtain the water needed to meet the growing demands of agriculture. In Brazil, the need to preserve genetic and energetic resources aimed at bio-energy is especially important, as most of the crops that make up the productive foundation of the country are of exotic origin.

Ativo 24

Maguey do Cerrado is a cultivar which is a source for foods, fibers and fuels that, due to an interaction with the environment, requires less water because of its CAM (Crassulacean acid metabolism). The typical characteristic of those that use this metabolism is the production of reserve carbohydrates (fructans), which allow the development of the plant through osmoregulation, cryopreservation and tolerance to drought.


The Maguey do Cerrado ecotype is a morphological variety of the Salmiana section of the Agave genus grown in the Cerrado region of Goiás, located in the Central-West region of Brazil. Cerrado is a savanna biome that gathers a complex mosaic of several types of vegetation, which cover approximately 2,000,000 km of Central Brazil.

Ativo 18

The experimental growth of the ecotype Maguey do Cerrado was done in the city of Goiânia/Goiás/Brazil. It was established on a plot of 250 sq. metres (geographical coordinates 16°43'58.3"S 49°18'01.5"W), with an average altitude of 749m. Through a longitudinal study done between the years 1998 and 2015, pre-breeding and breeding activities were conducted, and a micro-model for growing Maguey do Cerrado was established.

The differentiation characteristics of the ecotype, which has undergone a process of humanization, adaptation to the environment and domestication, were studied and detailed in the project. The structural and functional modifications recorded were considered efficient adaptation strategies, as despite the hydro deficiencies of the region, the plants showed excellent physical development, demarcated maturation cycles, efficient propagation and sap production, all with industrial potential.

Ativo 15

The Maguey do Cerrado presents structural and functional characteristics of adaptation to environments with water restriction. Indicators of structural modification include the adaptations developed for greater efficiency in water absorption and lower energy expenditure. Another indicator can be measured by the quality of the sap produced by the plants; rich in polysaccharides, simple sugars and alcohol.

Preliminary results of the determination of the total sugars of Maguey do Cerrado sap in its natural state, revealed a fructophilic substrate composed of 62% sugars, 32% being fructose and 30% being glucose.


Ativo 12

The successful adaptation of CAM plants in challenging (semiarid) environments represents an important alternative for the production of biofuels, foods and medications. In this sense, the proof of the efficiency in the use of water by the Maguey do Cerrado constitutes an important physiological adaptation, which allows the plants to live in habitats characterized by intermittent hydro availability, thus becoming a species of potential economic value.

In the year 2016, we started a project of medium propagation of the Maguey do Cerrado, in the headquarters of the Cultivar.

Ativo 6F

We intend to distribute 1200 seedlings a year to small family farmers, as well as offer practical permaculture and water management experiences for volunteers. For this, a nursery with capacity for 1200 seedlings was built.


In January 2017, two hundred seedlings were transferred to the growing nursery area. They must stay there for one year before being sent to final planting (small family farms).

Ativo 7F


We seek funding to expand the facilities of the growing nursery, in order to enable the development of a greater number of plants and consequently to distribute to a larger number of families willing to cultivate the Maguey do Cerrado.

Ativo 9D


Ativo 40

Urban Cultivation;
Agroecological Cultivation;

Ativo 41

Studies and tests;
Intellectual production;
Cultivation of microorganisms;
Production of biomass and biopolymers;

Ativo 42

Elaboration of nutritive and functional caloric sweetener;
Manufacture of distilled beverages;

Manufacture of food fibers;

Ecological packaging;
Fiber Xaxins;

Tics and IoT:
Information platform;
Proof of concept app;
Traceable packaging;
Smart packaging;

Pharmacological Products:
Elaboration of Surgical Suture;
Manufacture of artificial leather;
Development of metabolic compounds;

Ativo 43

Printed media publications;
Digital publications;

Ativo 44

Scientific divulgation;

It also stands out for rescuing a traditional experience - amplified by research and development, generating a new product and an alternate productive model with sustainable foundations in balance with nature.









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Publicado el 31 de enero de 2017 a las 06:59 PM por aparada aparada | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario



Maguey do Cerrado is a local Agave ecotype, source of foods and biomass, that through an interaction with the environment requires less volume of water for its development.

[caption id="attachment_655" align="aligncenter" width="606"]SAP Among the food uses of the Maguey the most important is the obtaining of the sap. Used for centuries by Mesoamerican peoples as an energy drink, with reports of its extraction recorded in the pre-Columbian codices. The sap that accumulates in the plant stem is abundant in carbohydrates such as inulin, sucrose and fructose and is a rich substrate for the fermentation and formulation of various products such as: energy drinks, dairy drinks, concentrated sweeteners, functional ferments, probiotics and distillates.[/caption]

The Maguey do Cerrado Products Platform is a collective, independent and collaborative project which unites people around a common idea: the production of foods through an ethical and healthy development system, with ecological and technologic production methods.

The local development project proposes the rescue of a traditional experience that, potentialized by Research and Development, enables the production of foods and biomass with sustainable bases in balance with nature.

Designed to be executed by small urban and rural farmers, it can be replicated in environments with water restriction, not just in Brazil but other parts of the world.

[caption id="attachment_565" align="aligncenter" width="949"]URBAN FARM Urban permaculture project for sustainable local development[/caption]

In 2016 we had important achievements:

The selection of the “Concentrado de Aguamiel 100% Maguey do Cerrado” for the Prêmio Brasil Criativo as one of the three best gastronomy projects in Brazil (Creative Brazil Award).

The registration of the ecotype Maguey do Cerrado in the National Registry of Cultivars (MAPA).

The acceptance of papers that describe the results of the Cultivar’s research by three international events.

But what does being a collective, independent and collaborative project mean?
It means aiming for sustainability through collaborative economy.
It means acting under a production logic opposite to the one in place.
It means getting involved with a cause that brings no financial rewards.
It means developing technologies that can and should be replicated.
It means demonstrating that if it’s possible for one, it is possible for all.

It is exactly because we’re independent, and in order for us to stay independent, that part of our job is searching for viable alternatives through crowdfunding:

Several people relate to
a project and decide to
contribute for it to
be developed:
with ideas, money,
work or promotion

To continue the goals predicted for 2017/18, we created a crowdfunding campaign on the LeoCrowd platform:

Presentation of the paper at the European Biomass Conference (Stockholm/June) and Expansion of the Maguey do Cerrado Cultivar Nursery.

The Campaign will start on February 02 with different contribution options and rewards. You can gather a group of 10 people for an Individual workshop in Stockholm or other Swedish cities.




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Publicado el 31 de enero de 2017 a las 07:05 PM por aparada aparada | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
