21 de julio de 2022

Illinois Threatened & Endangered Species updated EO reporting

The purpose of this project is to document the occurrence of all of Illinois' Threatened and Endangered species. The most recent checklist of Illinois Threated and Endangered Species is from May 28, 2020. A checklist of species can be found at the link below. I encourage all observers of Illinois Threatened and Endangered Species to report their observations to the Illinois Species Protection Board, which is part of the Illinois DNR. They have a private database, which includes information on date observed, specific location, # of individuals, etc. The forms can be found at the link below, and are quite easy and quick to fill out. This information will greatly help the Illinois DNR track Threatened and Endangered species in the state.




Publicado el 21 de julio de 2022 a las 03:11 PM por sedge sedge | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
