Diario del proyecto City Nature Challenge 2024: Winnipeg Region, MB, Canada

Archivos de Diario para mayo 2024

09 de mayo de 2024

Official results - local, national and global

We did it! The 9th annual City Nature Challenge is done! Thank you so much for all your time, effort, and hard work in making this event as successful as it is – it literally could not happen without you!

The numbers that the official results are a snapshot of the way all the included projects looked at 9 am local time on May 6. When you look at the projects now you will also see everything that happened since then as well - the beauty and challenge of living data. I find it wonderfully parallel to the way time changes our own view of the world!

  Global Canada Winnipeg Region
Observations: 2,436,844        123,452        1,666       
Species: 65,682        5,157        377       
Observers: 83,528        4,780        51       

This year 690 cities in 51 countries on 7 continents participated. The most-observed species globally was the Mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos). Observations during the event included more than 3,940+ rare/endangered/threatened species.

Most Observations:   Most Species:   Most participants:  
La Paz, Bolivia 165,839        La Paz, Bolivia 5,352        La Paz, Bolivia 3,593       
Monterrey, Mexico 81,727        Hong Kong, China 4,775        Monterrey, Mexico 2,576       
San Antonio, Texas, USA 64,728        Graz, Austria 4,448        San Francisco, California, USA 2,552       

In Canada, 40 cities/regions in 10 provinces or territories participated. The most-observed species in Canada was also the Mallard duck; followed by Canada Goose, Red-winged Blackbird, American Robin and the Prairie Pasqueflower . Observations during the event recorded more than 1,673 species at risk.

Most Observations Metro Vancouver Regional District 14,066
Most Observations per capita Cape Breton Regional Municipality 12,434
Most Participants Montreal 879
Most Participants per capita Municipality of Kincardine 19
Most different Species Observed Metro Vancouver Regional District 1,563

This marks four years in a row more than one million observations have been collected in four days in the global event. That’s a reflection of all the time and hard work everyone everywhere put into making observations and identifications. Whether you made many observations/identifications or only one, I am so grateful to have you all as CNC participants.

Watch out for a national event together using iNaturalist that will happen in late August/early September this year and mark your calendars now for next years City Nature Challenge. Next year’s City Nature Challenge is the 10 year anniversary, and our theme will be “Bring the Globe Together for Biodiversity: April 25-28, 2025.

Looking forward to seeing what we all find this summer!

Publicado el 09 de mayo de 2024 a las 04:18 PM por marykrieger marykrieger | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario
