Diario del proyecto City Nature Challenge 2020: Garden Route

Archivos de Diario para mayo 2020

01 de mayo de 2020

Garden Route City Nature Challenge Update - 01 May 20

The City Nature Challenge is almost completed. The past weekend spent by thousands of people taking photos and uploading to iNaturalist in a bid to outshine the rest. There are 2 days left to complete your uploads and identifications. Final bell on Sunday at midnight.
Calling on all people, please assist where you can. (Below is a list of useful links.)

On Wednesday, the Garden Route was running 11th behind Hong Kong.
I am glad to say that the Garden Route has jumped to 9th position in the past 2 days. Well done to everyone. This makes 2 projects that South Africa has in the top 10. Hope it stays there.

Garden Route is still holding 6th place for species.

Well done. Enjoy Level 4 Lockdown, but please still be safe.

All observations needing Identification
Or pick your field:
Other searches:

Publicado el 01 de mayo de 2020 a las 06:57 PM por shauns shauns | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Facebook invite

We would like to invite everyone who joined this project as members, to please follow/like us on Facebook if you have not already.

While the CNC 2020 project will be winding down in a couple of days the Facebook page will be kept alive and built on for next year’s CNC.

News, events, BioBlitz’s information and training sessions will be promoted on Facebook.

Only through your continued support can we make this challenge the best in South Africa, and our area, our home, the best in the world.

Publicado el 01 de mayo de 2020 a las 07:16 PM por shauns shauns | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

03 de mayo de 2020

Garden Route not been shy

And the Garden Route is back into 9th position with observations. 232 ahead of the project in 10th position.
As to species, the Garden Route is standing strong in 6th place with 2401.

Thank you to everyone who are doing identifications and scrounging around for a forgotten observation or 2.

Without you the project would not be successful.

Well done.
Let us see what the final tally is tonight at 24h00.

Publicado el 03 de mayo de 2020 a las 03:25 PM por shauns shauns | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

For Southern Africa, the City Nature Challenge 2020 is done and dusted.

A couple of hours to go and the rest of the world will follow suit.

Garden Route did very well.
Everyone can all be immensely proud of the achievement.
Every person who in someway participated in the challenge can hold their head up high.

17742 observations where clocked up in the Garden Route, making it 31% of the 56839 observations recorded in Southern Africa.
2421 species recorded in the Garden Route, with a total of 5151 species recorded in Southern Africa.
And all this by 315 observers.

-- Observers:
User jeccica1468 racked up 881 observations, followed by nina196 with 783, then outramps-tanniedi with 508.

-- Species:
The most viewed was the Cape Weaver with 118 observations, followed by the Spekboom with 90 observations, then the Cape Honeysuckle with 87 observations.

-- Identifiers:
A total of 448 people helped identify observations. And here, as much as I like to highlight the tops, I will not.
Each person in their respective field did an amazing job in identifications.

This is not a challenge only for a small group of people. It is for everyone. No matter where you stay.
It is for schools, businesses, families, groups, friends, clubs, organizations, individually or whatever other form of activity you may take part in.

Stay with us and let us all use the information and experience gathered this year to build a greater 2021.

During today we will have the worldwide results.
The Garden Route is still holding in at 9th position for observations. We have a 73-observation lead on 10th spot. Hope we can keep it.
As to the number of species, the 6th spot seems pretty secured at 2421 species. A lead of 215 species ahead of 7th spot.

Enjoy, and Be Safe

Publicado el 03 de mayo de 2020 a las 10:57 PM por shauns shauns | 9 comentarios | Deja un comentario

05 de mayo de 2020

A final post to a say thank you. Until 2021 CNC. Bigger and Better


With the City Nature Challenge done and dusted for 2020 we would love you to give your input on how it can be improved, expanded, or just general comments and feeling on the project.
Did you have any interesting experience’s? Let us hear about them.

Leave your comments at: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/city-nature-challenge-2020-garden-route/journal/34699-for-southern-africa-the-city-nature-challenge-2020-is-done-and-dusted

Cape Town is under the impression the Garden Route will always follow in their dust. Really!!!

One big challenge the Garden Route faces heading to the 2021 CNC is how to get more observers on board.
Here we need everyone to assist in this. Do not wait for the next CNC. Start to get people involved now.
Practice makes perfect.
And the Little Karoo is part of the Garden Route. So, get your family and friends involved that side as well.
And we are always there to assist and answer any questions.

Been a bit watered down as it ended as an Event instead of a Challenge, the Garden Route can still hold its heads up high and brag.

As an Event and not a Challenge there will be no official leader results. But the information available clearly gives us this intel.

The Garden not only came in 2nd in Southern Africa, but also 2nd on the African continent and 10th overall globally.

Likewise, on the species list. Garden Route came in 2nd in Southern Africa, but also 2nd on the African continent and 6th overall globally.

Stay tuned in on Facebook https://web.facebook.com/GardenRouteCNC/ for future developments, news and information.

Next year. Bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS. Cape Town, you may want to start scripting your runner up speeches.

Publicado el 05 de mayo de 2020 a las 06:21 PM por shauns shauns | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

08 de mayo de 2020

iNaturalist observation of the month.

Every month the community nominates an observation for the month.
How does this work?
Firstly, join the project Nominations: Observation of the Month (s Afr) https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/nominations-observation-of-the-month-s-afr,
These are all traditional projects, so you need to add the observation to the project.

Now, make sure that you favourite the observation that you like. It must be observed and uploaded during that particulat month.
See example here: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/43606795
Once you have joined the project and favourited it, add it to the “Nominations: Observation of the Month (s Afr)” project.

You may nominate more than 1 observation if you feel like it.
You may also “favourite” more than 1 observation, so go have a look at the others and add your favourites as well.

And while you about joining projects, join
Observation of the Month (s Afr) https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/observation-of-the-month-s-afr
Observation of the Year (s Afr)


Publicado el 08 de mayo de 2020 a las 05:04 PM por shauns shauns | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario