Keep those observations coming!

Team Wasatch had a great day yesterday! You made 1184 observations of 289 species. Get outside today and keep those totals climbing. You can enjoy a bioblitz and guided nature walks at the Swaner Ecocenter and Preserve in Summit County from 8:30 to 10:30 this morning. It's going to be a beautiful day wherever you are to explore the nature near you!

Mallard duck is in the lead again as the most observed species in the Wasatch City Nature Challenge. It was at the top of the list in 2017 and 2018, too. The common dandelion is in second, as it has been for the past two year, but painted ladies are making a surprisingly strong showing in third!

A few highlights from yesterday:

A beaver swimming in the Provo River:

A garter snake in Ogden:

Mosquito fish in Salt Lake City:

A gorgeous anise swallowtail in Cache County:

A sandhill crane in Box Elder County:

Yellow-headed blackbirds in Davis County:

Can't wait to see what you observe today!

Publicado el 28 de abril de 2019 a las 02:57 PM por lcthompson lcthompson


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