On our way to 3000+ observations!

It's the final day of the City Nature Challenge 2019. Take some time today - during lunch, after school, after dinner - to make your final observations for the Challenge and let's break 3000 for Team Wasatch!

Keep your eye out for more beautiful painted ladies. Your observations have captured their unusually large migration this year. They were reported in the millions in southern California in March. The superbloom gave their caterpillars plenty to eat. Right now, painted ladies are tied with mallard ducks (the perennial winner) as the most observed species by the Wasatch Team.

Thanks to everyone who has been making observations and to all who have been helping with identifications.

Get outside and do some science!

Publicado el 29 de abril de 2019 a las 01:57 PM por lcthompson lcthompson


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