Archivos de Diario para octubre 2014

07 de octubre de 2014

New Required Field: Insect-Host Plant Interaction

Field Description: Activity/Stage of Insect When Observed

Allowed Values (with explanations)
º Ovipositing (Egg laying behavior)
º Egg (Photo shows egg/eggs on host plant)
º Instar Stage # (For those specialists who are tracking specimens daily)
º Early Instar (In general - usually very small, or look or act differently when young)
º Late Instar (In general - larger, final pattern, closer to pupating)
º Larva (General caterpillar - larval stage undetermined)
º Pupa (Possible for many Skippers and some moths that don't disperse to pupate)

Publicado el 07 de octubre de 2014 a las 05:30 PM por krancmm krancmm | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario
