Diario del proyecto Butterflies of China 中国蝶类

Archivos de Diario para abril 2020

06 de abril de 2020

New Summary Uploaded 新总结报告已上传!

Hi everyone, This year I committed some time and generated a summary report for all records of butterflies within Mainland China up to 2020-April-03. It is now hosted on GitHub, please check it out and let me know any suggestions for the project or the report :)


今年我花了一点时间整理了iNat上截止2020年4月3日中国内地/大陆所有的蝴蝶记录,产生了一份有图的总结。这份报告现在已上传到 GitHub 上,可以访问下面的页面查看(请告诉我任何您的建议或意见)

Thank you all for uploading and taking care of the butterflies on iNaturalist! Please stay safe and wish the best for your observation in the coming summer!


Publicado el 06 de abril de 2020 a las 11:27 PM por yixianshuiesuan yixianshuiesuan | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario