Ambon Puller from LHI

Another new record for Lord Howe Island! This time it’s an Ambon Puller, Chromis amboinensis.
Andrew Green photographed the fish on 13 Feb 2018 off Malabar at the north of the island.
Until now the species has been recorded from north-western Western Australia and Queensland. This is the first record from New South Wales waters. It is not known from New Zealand. View more information on the Australian distribution.
Ambon Pullers live in coral reef habitats throughout the Indo-west Pacific region.
View all records of Ambon Pullers in Australasian Fishes.
Thank you Andrew!
Publicado el 28 de junio de 2018 a las 06:31 AM por markmcg markmcg


Thanks Mark. Sighting at Malabar. GPS available if required. Eminent NZ fish expert Malcolm Francis among many other duties maintains a fish species list for LHI, and advised that this was a new LHI record. RLS surveys LHI reefs every two years and has added many new species to Malcolm's list in the last 10 years or so.

Anotado por dentrock hace cerca de 6 años

Thanks @dentrock. Good to hear that the new record was confirmed by Malcolm. I've updated the post to include the place name Malabar. Please let me know if the wording is off.

Anotado por markmcg hace cerca de 6 años

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