Holopyga generosa/ovata - records from the United Kingdom

The following table includes records for Holopyga genus, as all existing UK records are for just one species, Holopyga generosa (syn. ovata), as at 21 July 2024

Inaturalist UK total 18
Inaturalist UK Research grade 12
Inaturalist UK before 2021 0
Inaturalist UK 2021 (June/July) 1
Inaturalist UK 2022 (June/July) 2
Inaturalist UK 2023 (June/July) 7
Inaturalist UK 2024 (2 June-21 July) 8
GBIF total 20
GBIF from BWARS (and not from Inaturalist) 4
GBIF before 2020 0
GBIF 2020 1
GBIF 2021 2
GBIF 2022 3
GBIF 2023 6
GBIF 2024 (to 19 July) 2
NBN Atlas (from BWARS/Irecord) total 4

Inaturalist records: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=6857&subview=table&taxon_id=177812
GBIF UK - all in South-east England: https://www.gbif.org/occurrence/map?taxon_key=3258441&gadm_gid=GBR
NBN Atlas: https://species.nbnatlas.org/species/NHMSYS0000876059
BWARS: https://bwars.com/index.php/wasp/chrysididae/elampinae/holopyga-ovata

Publicado el 19 de julio de 2024 a las 10:18 AM por cf125 cf125


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