If you would like scientists and conservation biologists at the Vermont Atlas of Life and beyond use your valuable observations, there's a few iNaturalist settings that are important to check and set.
The first one is geoprivacy. Have you been wondering about that blue circle surrounding your observations on the map? Curious about how iNaturalist protects the privacy of species of conservation concern? Want to ensure that your observations are useful to conservationists and researchers in Vermont? Read our short primer on iNaturalist geoprivacy and learn how you can best set your geoprivacy settings for the Vermont Atlas of Life so that we can use your observations for science and conservation. Visit https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQUa6ZXvL9YNWeG5Yz5DOW4j2J8fOcDBrD5x3LvrEE1rQlANI3I_wql62eY1NM736Ctbj_ADFb851Uv/pub
The second important setting is your copyright selections. Check out our short primer on setting copyright for observations, photographs, and sound recordings so that we can use your data for science and conservation. Visit https://www.inaturalist.org/posts/84932-updated-choosing-licensing-that-allows-scientists-to-use-your-observations.
Thank you so much for all your observations and helping us conserve biodiversity!
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