Summer Azure butterflies gleaning food from the surface of leaves?

A few adult Summer Azure butterflies appeared to be gleaning food from the surface of leaves over a period of a few days. Maybe it was nectar and/or pollen that had fallen from nearby trees? Or, honeydew from aphids? Clouds of pollen were visible during the preceding days. And, the Tulip Trees were blooming. Anecdotal information indicates that Tulip Trees generate significant quantities of nectar. Observations of the butterflies are attached below. They were exclusively on Wild Bergamot and Southern Mount Mint plants at the edge of the yard.

Publicado el 17 de mayo de 2024 a las 09:30 PM por rossberryhill rossberryhill


Fotos / Sonidos


Mayo 10, 2024 a las 12:55 PM EDT

Fotos / Sonidos


Mayo 10, 2024 a las 03:23 PM EDT

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Mayo 11, 2024 a las 03:22 PM EDT


They’ve been hanging around on the Southern Mountain Mint and Wild Bergamot plants, and seem to be eating/drinking something.


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