Onymacris hottentota (Péringuey 1884) - Coastal Reticulate Red-legged Namib Darkling

A dark Onymacris without white waxy secretions. Pronotum with two large ovate impressions as well as a transverse prebasal impression. Elytral intercostae with reticulate sculpture. Appendages reddish; antennae stout, third segment less than twice length of second segment; claws slender.

Original description & illustration in:
Péringuey, L. 1884. Second Contribution to the South-African Coleopterous Fauna. Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, 4(2), 67–190. doi:10.1080/21560382.1884.952620

Sub-elongate, black, sub-glossy; the head on top slightly bi-impressed, between the eyes carinated; prothorax short, shiny, strongly cut out anteriorly, deeply bi-impressed on the disc and with an arched impression in the male. Eytra subelongate, slightly convex, with strong edges and three costae elevated, deeply punctuated interstices, elongated legs.
Length 13-16 mm; width 9-10 mm.
Black, slightly shining; the headis broad, smooth with two faint impressions on the vertex; the antennae are black and a little longer than the prothorax which is acutely produced at the anterior angles, semi-convex, smooth with two conspicuous impressions in the centre of the disc, and in the male only an arcuated impression extending from one side to the other; the apex is fringed with yellowish hairs and the outer margins are carinated.
The elytra are black, moderately shining, not broader than the prothorax at the base, increasing slightly towards the middle part, very little convex and. slightly dehiscent towards the apex in the male, much more ampliated and convex in the female; on each elytron are three strongly raised lines which do not reach quite the apex, the interstices are filled with strong irregular punctures, the suture and outer margin are raised, the latter is very acute and faintly double towards the apex, the epipleurae coarsely punctured.
The underside is black, and plicated longitudinally, the legs are long, rugose with the tibis slightly reddish, the claws and spurs are long and fuscous.

Distribution: Coastal. North and South of the Orange river mouth, Namibia & South Africa
Type locality: Porth Nolloth, Northern Cape, South Africa

iNat observations:

Key and distribution maps for Onymacris in Penrith 1984:

Publicado el 25 de abril de 2024 a las 04:32 AM por traianbertau traianbertau


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