A Virtual Flower Guide for Your St. Anne Woodlands or Wetlands Hike

Want a virtual flower guide for your hike through the St. Anne Woods or Wetlands?

You can view all collections from this project sorted by species to see what's most commonly being reported.

For a more seasonally-focused look at what might be around, here are some links to what's been reported from the area organized by months. The searches were based on nearby properties as well as the St. Anne Woods & Wetlands, so will include things not yet reported from here, but still likely to be seen.

January to February: Good trees and perhaps a few early flowers are visible at this time.

March to April: This is peak spring ephemeral season: troutlilies, toadshades, and wild ginger abound.

May to June: The summer flowers are starting up. Composites, beebalm, and milkweeds add color to open fields in and around the wetlands.

July to September: This is a great time to see bumblebees and butterflies active on the summer and early fall flowers. Jewelweed is blooming in the woods and the swamp milkweed is blooming in the wetlands. It's also a good time to keep an eye out for caterpillars who are enjoying the foliage.

October to December: The last of the fall flowers wrap things up, but never fear: Fall and winter are a good time to check out the local trees. This is the time of year when you can see how oaks, hickories, beeches, buckeyes, persimmons, and paw-paws all do their part to contribute fruit and seeds to the forest floor (and the local critters).

Publicado el 05 de abril de 2024 a las 05:55 PM por m_whitson m_whitson


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