Putative pollination agent. Duncan Cunningham.

Possible evidence of wind pollination.

Example observation at Windy Point, 15/02/2024:


"Off track at exposed part of Windy Point, Wooded Peak ultramafic, Nelson."

This part of Windy Point, as its name suggests, is very exposed to strong winds and has been highly modified by mining activities in the 1890's. Vegetation is exposed, sparse and stunted, in contrast to the taller, diverse and densely covered plant-life on the benign north-west facing slope leading up to Windy Point.

Casual observations early this year indicate a higher level of fruit production in the modified site than in the lush site. In the absence of evidence for invertebrate pollination and persistent cold, strong winds during the peak pollination period (September) it's tempting to suspect that wind is the primary pollination agent."

Publicado el 08 de marzo de 2024 a las 09:39 AM por duncanmc42 duncanmc42


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