Elevation, Habitat and Distribution Maps for BC Dicranum Species

All data pulled from the Flora of North America Website/Database using their queries. Elevation data seems very wonky-- lots of sea level Dicranum not listed at sea level, lots of montane at sea level-- probably artifact of behaviour of entire species range (outside of BC, too).

Species Elevation Habitat Map Link
Dicranum acutifolium 700-2500 m Somewhat calcareous soil, boulders, rock outcrops and cliff ledges, sometimes humus, rarely rotten logs Here
Dicranum bonjeanii 60-1300 m Mainly in eutrophic fens, sometimes on calcareous soil or rock Here
Dicranum brevifolium 70-3700 m Humus or soil over rock, rarely rotted wood, exposed to protected bluffs or cliffs Here
Dicranum elongatum 30-3700 m Common in arctic or alpine tundra, soil, rocks or soil over rocks, rock ledges, cliff shelves, rarely decayed wood and stumps, sometimes in bogs and fens Here
Dicranum flagellare 0-1300 m Rotting wood, especially stumps and logs, base of trees, exposed tree roots, soil or humus over boulders usually in mesic woods, sometimes swamps and bogs Here
Dicranum fragilifolium 30-1900 m Rotten logs and stumps, humic soil, humus over rocks, usually in coniferous woods, occasionally in mixed woods and bogs Here
Dicranum groenlandicum 10-3800 m Arctic or alpine tundra, soil, humus or rocks, sometimes in bogs and fens Here
Dicranum howellii 20-600 m Soil, humus, humus over rock, rotting logs and stumps, tree trunks and bases of trees, sometimes in bogs Here
Dicranum leioneuron 10-1100 m Primarily in hummocks in ombrotrophic and oligotrophic peatlands Here
Dicranum montanum 0-2800 m Rotting stumps and logs, tree bases (usually deciduous trees), occasionally soil or humus over rock, especially boulders and cliff ledges, in dry to mesic woods, rarely swamps Here
Dicranum muehlenbeckii 10-3100 m Humus and sandy soil on cliffs, bluffs, often over boulders and among rocks in open woods or exposed sites Here
Dicranum pallidisetum 500-2000 m Humus or soil over rock, rarely rotting logs or decayed wood Here
Dicranum polysetum 10-2100 m Commonly on humus, soil over acidic or calcareous rock, and decaying wood in deciduous or more often coniferous forests, occasionally in bogs, fens, and swamps Here
Dicranum scoparium 50-2900 m Soil, humus, humus over rock, decaying stumps and logs, tree bases in dry to mesic woodlands, sometimes bogs, fens and swamps Here
Dicranum spadiceum 10-2300 m Fens, wet meadows, willow thickets, or humus or soil on or around rocks at lake margins, occasionally drier habitats, such as beach ridges Here
Dicranum tauricum 150-2200 m Frequently on rotten logs, stumps, or tree bases in woodlands, sometimes on humus or humus over rock Here
Dicranum undulatum 10-2200 m Usually in wet habitats, especially bogs in Sphagnum hummocks, fens, swamps, marshes, margins of lakes, sometimes on or among rocks, rock outcrops and cliffs, occasionally in mesic woods or on dry bluffs on soil, rotten wood, or humus Here
Publicado el 29 de febrero de 2024 a las 06:11 PM por rambryum rambryum


@dbltucker example call and combine FNA & Bryoportal

Anotado por rambryum hace 7 meses

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