Gamergus hessei Synave 1956

A large squat flightless Elicine planthopper with a broad hyaline cross band on the tegmina.

The genus Gamergus diagnosed in:
Melichar, L., 1906: Monographie der Issiden (Homoptera). Abhandlungen der K. K. Zoologisches-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, vol. 3, no. 4.
Translated from German:
Body narrow oval, laterally compressed. Head and eyes combined as wide as the thorax; Vertex wide, anterior margin straight. Frons perpendicular, slightly longer than wide, parallel on the sides, with a median carina. CIypeus convex. Antennae short. Ocelli absent. Pronotum rounded at anterior margin, broadly concave at the posterior margin. Scutellum twice as long as pronotum. Tegmina reaching to the tip of the abdomen or shorter, hardly covering half of the back, delicately reticulated, the longitudinal veins distinct, costal edge almost straight. Wings absent. Hind tibiae with 3-4 teeth.

Original description in:
Synave, H. 1956. Contribution à l'étude des Issidae Africains (Homoptera - Fulgoroidea). Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 32(57): 1-22.
Translated from French:
Frons longer than wide (40:35), basally concave, lateral margins subparallel and very slightly convex, with clear median carina extending onto the clypeus where it becomes thicker; yellow-ochre, brownish on the middle. Temples ochre-yellow, with a black spot between the eye and the antenna and another one in the angle formed by the frons and the vertex.
Vertex approximately six times as wide as long (32:5), anterior margin straight or slightly angular, lateral margins raised and carinate, posterior margin concave; brownish, with a broad lighter middle part.
Pronotum ochre-yellow, anterior margin largely convex and posterior margin concave; depressed in the middle, with two punctate depressions; ocher~yellow more or less brownish.
Scutellum ochre, may be more or less brownish, with three carinae, the lateral carinae diverge very slightly towards the rear; three depressions on the disc: one in the posterior angle, the other two located at the lateral-posterior margins and externally limited by the lateral carinae.
Costal margin of tegmina straight, sutural margin straight until shortly after the apex of the clavus, then obliquely convex outwards forming an apical angle with the costal margin; clavus short; Cl1 following the suture and almost merging with it, Cl2 bifurcated; Cu extending along the apical curve by a subapical line; coloration dark brown with a broad, more or less complete hyaline band in the middle, small hyaline spots along the costal and apical margins and a few larger spots along the subapical line.
Hind tibiae armed with four spines, including a very small one towards the base.
Total length: approx. 7 mm.

Type locality: 'Umhlanga' (uMhlanga, Durban, KZN)

Photos of Syntype:

iNat observation:

Publicado el 22 de abril de 2024 a las 08:43 AM por traianbertau traianbertau


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