Nyassamyia andreniformis (Lindner, 1935)

A large and very hairy bee-mimic.
Antennae brown-black. Pubescence on the eyes silver-white. Male holoptic. Thorax above with black and gray pubescence, standing upright. Scutellum silvery hairy, with two strong, black spines pointing vertically upwards. Wings heavily infuscated, veins almost blue-black; wing apex hyaline. Abdomen hairy, the first segments on the sides with larger yellowish spots and lateral edges, the apical two tergites have copper-red hairs.
13.5 mm.

Type locality: Malawi. Fort Johnston (ST M BMNH)
Recorded so far from Malawi and South Africa.

Original description with figures in:
Lindner, E. 1935. Äthiopische Stratiomyiiden (Dipt.). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 1934.

iNat observation: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/197980980

Publicado el 31 de enero de 2024 a las 10:45 AM por traianbertau traianbertau


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