Welcome to the City Nature Challenge 2017: New York City project page!

The City Nature Challenge is ON for NYC! Join us from April 14-18 to catalog as many species as we can find in all five boroughs of NYC. Much more information to come, but for now, here's a great overview of NYC's biodiversity: http://www.ecology.com/2012/02/20/new-york-conservation-biodiversity/

Publicado el 28 de febrero de 2017 a las 08:14 PM por klodonnell klodonnell


WooHoo! Sounds great! I have been learning the weeds of NYC so I can find a lot of stuff without even going to a park!

Anotado por susanhewitt hace mas de 7 años

Yay! Hi Susan! I'm happy to have you on board! You're the top NYC observer! As you might remember, the weeds of NYC are my personal favorites :-)

Anotado por klodonnell hace mas de 7 años

Hi Kelly! I still have at home here on the Upper East Side, four hand lenses on read lanyards -- they belong to Macauley. Somehow you were too busy to pick them up so they are still waiting.

Anotado por susanhewitt hace mas de 7 años

Looking forward to four exciting days of observations with Macaulay Honors College students, staff and faculty.

Anotado por kov hace mas de 7 años

I missed this event but will be taking a group of middle schoolers out today and doing some ID-ing. We'll post what we find :)

Anotado por harlem_naturalist hace mas de 7 años

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