Warm Enough

Between dropping off boxes at the Post Office and driving players to practice in Burnsville, I snuck in a ten minute walk at the upper Arboretum. At the foot bridge over Spring Creek it was warm enough that the snow midges were active, landing here and there on the railing and on sunlit patches of snow. Looking closely at the rail, I noticed a dark lump near the edge. Not certain what it was I nudged it with my finger and it readjusted its legs. Aha, a spider.

According to Common Spiders of North America by Bradley, spiders of the genus Eustala "rest curled up on branches, looking like a piece of bark. If disturbed, the spider may run a short distance then resume this cryptic pose." Instead of a portable folding chair, a rather bizarre portable folding spider.

Optimistically I'd brought along my zoom lens, hoping for a bird photo, leaving my macro lens at home, not optimistic enough to foresee insects or spiders. Not having a vial along I had to improvise, fashioning a triangle sampling envelope from a five dollar bill in my wallet. After scooching the spider onto the bill, I folded it up and placed it in my coat pocket so that I could take pictures of it later.

Publicado el 28 de febrero de 2017 a las 03:45 AM por scottking scottking


Fotos / Sonidos


Arañas Tejedoras Jorobadas (Género Eustala)




Febrero 27, 2017 a las 02:41 PM CST


Hump-backed Orbweaver
found on bridge railing
Cowling Arboretum
Northfield, Minnesota

Fotos / Sonidos




Febrero 27, 2017 a las 02:28 PM CST


Snow Midge
Cowling Arboretum
Northfield, Minnesota


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