New Records and New Curators

Greetings Crabbers of the World,
Congratulations and thank you all for increasing our total number of crab species by 100 in just six weeks! We now have over 500 species, and almost 100 members participating in our project. I want to congratulate @sea-kangaroo from California for posting the most observations--71 species!-- and becoming a project Curator. I also congratulate @ondrej-radosta from the Czech Republic for becoming our second Curator. Please take a moment to view his astonishing crab website:
The crabs we have all found and identified are remarkably diverse and fascinating, and it's exciting to see species from every part of the world. Several of you have added observations to the project from other iNaturalist people, and I encourage everyone to do that, as well as to recruit new members. My new goal is 1,000 crab species!

Publicado el 15 de febrero de 2017 a las 09:58 PM por wendy5 wendy5


Congratulations @wendy5 on an outstanding iNaturalist project! It is amazing to consider you've found nearly half as many crab species as we've so far found species, across all groups, for Galiano Island.

We're holding a proper bioblitz on Galiano this spring and hope to get a few marine biologists out. One mentioned to me that Porlier Pass, at the north end of Galiano, is the only place he's seen the granular claw crab, Odignathus inermis, usually limited to areas on or near the open coast. Have you found that one yet?

It would be a long shot but who knows what we'll uncover on May 27th...

Anotado por chlorophilia hace mas de 7 años

Thank you so much, Andrew! Yes, I've seen Oedignathus inermis twice, both times west of here at Salt Creek, and both times burrowed into a hole.
Good luck with your bioblitz! I look forward to seeing what you find.

Anotado por wendy5 hace mas de 7 años

Nice to see that your crab project is growing so fast. Thank you very much for inviting me into your group and introducing my encyclopedia. It is good to see that I'm not the only one who loves the crabs :) All the best Ondrej!

Anotado por ondrej-radosta hace mas de 7 años

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