7th Anacostia River Bioblitz

The 7th Anacostia Bioblitz is in progress!! https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/7th-anacostia-river-bioblitz

Enjoy the beautiful weather in your neighborhood greenspaces or even at home and make observations. I had A LOT of fun last night mothing in my backyard with just a black light bar against the vinyl siding. So much new species to explore even in a suburban block with relatively decent tree canopy but away from any forest patch.

Have a great weekend you all!!

Anacostia Watershed Society

Publicado el 15 de septiembre de 2023 a las 12:41 PM por jorbogmont jorbogmont


Have not been on in a long time and have observations I want to add but can't figure out how to join this project so that my observations count. Please help. Thanks, Anne

Anotado por anneanderson hace cerca de un año

Hi @anneanderson it would be great if you join the project, but you don't have to join the project for your observations to be included. If you made the observations during the weekend and your observations are Open (Geoprivacy = Open) they will be automatically included because this is a collection project.

Anacostia Watershed Society

Anotado por jorbogmont hace cerca de un año

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