The First Kinglet

Hey everyone! South Carolina Committed Naturalists Society has grown so much recently, thanks all! Last year we did the kinglet competition before this was an official group and @jtmartin54 won. This is annual competition so we are hosting it again. Will the reigning champion reclaim his title or not? Have fun! It must be an alive with photo Golden or Ruby-crowned Kinglet, observed in the state of South Carolina, Sep-Oct of this year; or even later in the very rare chance that no one finds one. Spread the word for new members who can participate. Also I haven't been as active lately cause I have been travelling, piano, etc... If anyone has any future competition or bioblitzes ideas let me know.

Thanks! Have fun and may the best Inatter win!

If you find one put a link in the comments to the observation so I don't miss it ;)

@abiggs2 @captainmantis37 @jtmartin54 @kjmurph @matthew_campbell @norm_shea @patrickbelk @pwilson96 @ryan84 @sharleen_j @toxmace

Publicado el 05 de septiembre de 2023 a las 10:27 PM por wildlife13 wildlife13


May the odds be ever in your favor.

Anotado por norm_shea hace 10 meses

I'll be keeping an eye out!

Anotado por pwilson96 hace 10 meses

New member @kimiller notifying you of the competition.

Anotado por wildlife13 hace 10 meses

I saw one today while walking the dog but couldn't get a photo!! Darn!!

Anotado por abiggs2 hace 9 meses

Awesome! That means they are back so everyone be on high alert!

Anotado por wildlife13 hace 9 meses

I don't know if anyone beat me to the punch yet but I got a (terrible) photo of a RCKI on Sunday:

Anotado por toxmace hace 9 meses

Hmmm, I think you just put a toothpick in a cotton ball and took a picture of it...

Anotado por norm_shea hace 9 meses

I think Tom @toxmace has a winner there! Congrats!

Anotado por abiggs2 hace 9 meses

Nicely done @toxmace!

Anotado por pwilson96 hace 9 meses

Congratulations Tom @toxmace you are the winner of the 2023 Kinglet Competition!

Anotado por wildlife13 hace 9 meses

@norm_shea Shh! Don't give away all my tricks!

Anotado por toxmace hace 9 meses

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