Keys for North American blowflies

An excellent resource well worth sharing from the Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification:

Blow flies of North America Keys to the subfamilies and genera of Calliphoridae, and to the species of the subfamilies Calliphorinae, Luciliinae and Chrysomyinae

Publicado el 17 de julio de 2023 a las 10:15 PM por ionam ionam


@matthewvosper might be of interest to you? pretty detailed

Anotado por ionam hace 12 meses

Aye, it's one of the links I used for cuprina/sericata. very handy

Anotado por matthewvosper hace 12 meses

I still struggle with that pairing, it's on my to-do list for sure to get more familiar with it

Anotado por ionam hace 11 meses

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