Flora of Denmark WA - Thysanotus

Thysanotus from Greek thysanotos fringed referring to the fringed inner petals.

The following table lists the Thysanotus species which are shown by Florabase to have been collected in Denmark Shire. The second column shows whether the species was included in the book Flora of the South West and under what name if different. If the species was described after Flora of the South West was published, the paper describing the species is noted. Where a species is not included in Flora of the South West I have endeavored to provide some sort of description after the table.

Thysanotus Species of Denmark WA
Species Included Notes Stamens Habit
(Branching Fringe Lily)
Yes 3 long 3 short Tangled, forms a mound
glaucifolius No 3 Tufted
gracilis Yes 6 equal Upright
isantherus No 6 equal Tufted
(Many-flowered Fringe Lily)
Yes 3 Upright
(Twining Fringe Lily)
Yes 6 equal Twining
(Few Flowered Fringe Lily)
No 3 Tufted
pseudojunceus Yes 3 long 3 short
Long are purple, short yellow with purple base
Rush like but decumbent
Sparteus Yes See note below 3 long 3 short Upright
tenellus Yes 6 equal Upright
thyrsoideus Yes 6 equal or unequal Upright to decumbent

T. glaucifolius

There have only been two collections identified as this species in the area covered by the book and presumably this is why it was excluded.

There is a profile on Flora of Australia for this species.

About 10 leaves per plant 50–120 mm long, glaucous often with some reddish colouration. 1 or 2 flower heads of 4–6 flowers on a scape 12–23cm long. Stamens 3, anthers equal.

T. isanthuerus

Only one collection in the area covered by the book when it was written, presumably excluded for this reason. There is one record on iNaturalist for this species in Denmark and the single flower is white.

There is a profile on Flora of Australia for this species.

Grows in moss swards on granite. Thread like leaves 10–15 cm long drooping at tips. 1 or 2 inflorescences per plant each 1 to 5 flowers. Stamens 6 anthers equal.

T. pauciflorus

There were no collections in the area covered by the book identified as this species when the book was written. Since then a collection made by B.G. Hammersley in 1999 has been so identified.

There is a profile on Flora of Australia for this species.

The species is similar to T. multiflorus but has a single inflorescence with only 2–4 flowers rather than 1 or more with 6–60 flowers. The leaves are also smaller at 50–70 mm long compared to 70–570 mm long for T. multiflorus. Stamens 3, anthers equal.

A very small T. multiflorus plant might well be confused with this species.

T. sparteus
There have been no collections made of this species in Denmark Shire so Florabase does not show it as occuring there. The book and Flora of Australia both suggest that the species is likely to occur in Denmark.

Publicado el 09 de junio de 2023 a las 07:04 AM por boobook99 boobook99


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