Barred Owls

If you follow the sound of scolding crows, you will either run across a Bald Eagle or a Barred Owl. Lucky for me, I ran into both. While taking notes for my Final at least 20 crows came flying by chasing a Bald Eagle, so close to me I could feel the wind. Later I followed the scolding and saw a male (based on his small size) and 3 Barred Owl chicks. The Chicks were fairly large but still had their gray fuzz. The male flew at a short tree and a bird flew off and he came back up with a worm. Either he dove for the bird, missed and took the worm, or he was planning on taking the worm from the bird in the first place. He didn't eat the worm though, he just that there with it in his mouth watching me. A great experience that early morning to see 2 different kinds of birds of prey.

Publicado el 05 de junio de 2012 a las 10:10 AM por wellska wellska


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Junio 2, 2012 a las 09:28 AM PDT


3 babies and a male. The male swooped down and a wren dropped its worm and flew away, and the dad snatched it. I'm assuming its a male because he is pretty small. Did not see the female, but the chicks were quite noisy settling down to sleep. I assume it is a male because it was quite small. 58 degrees F, cloudy.


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