South section - 1/26/2023

Thursday, 9:00-11:05 am. 0 live newts, 23 dead newts.
Weather: Started cold, but the was nice. It has been dry for almost a week. the rain might be back on Sunday.
Coverage: Aldercroft Heights intersection to the first stop sign. I walked with Matt.
Newts: we had 23 dead newts, 2 of them tiny juveniles. 13 of the newts were found on the reservoir side, and 10 on the hill side. The road seemed like it was recently cleared from soil and rocks, with some newts probably.
Other roadkills: boxelder bugs, honey bees, millipede, cricket.
Traffic: 13 cars, 6 trucks, 0 motorcycles, 6 bikes, 1 pedestrian, 3 parked cars. Very quiet. One County Parks truck, a tractor and a pickup from County Roads. Possibly the ones blocking Idylwild Rd, doing some road work. I took Old Santa Cruz Hwy instead, which had 2 different sections blocked, allowing one way traffic only.
We had 1 short conversation with someone on the road.

My observations of the day -

Publicado el 26 de enero de 2023 a las 10:06 PM por merav merav


So few found dead this week. December & January are usually the high mortality months. What the heck is going on this year??

Anotado por truthseqr hace más de un año

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