
Yesterday, I attended a Bat Walk at Crystal Palace Park hosted by the London Wildlife Trust. We arrived as the sun was setting, as the bats were starting to come out for the night. Unfortunately, I only saw 4 bats, but regardless, I am still happy I saw any at all. According to the guides, the night may have been a bit too cold for many bats to be out. Although we did not see many bats, they did give us much information on the cool critters. Bats are 25% of all mammals! The most interesting part of the walk was using this special device that is able to detect high frequency noises, or the echolocation utilized by bats. These handheld devices would allow people to hear the bats. I don’t exactly know how the device works, but I’m guessing it converts the high frequency tones, into lower ones that the human ear can hear. The London Wildlife Trust is doing amazing work, and I am excited to possibly attend more events and volunteering opportunities.

Publicado el 29 de septiembre de 2022 a las 09:50 AM por momckamey momckamey