Crab News

Greetings to all 1,120 members of Crabs of the World. Thanks for increasing our new total to 1,879 species, 40 more than three months ago! Many members are new to this project; in the past three months we have 421 new members from all over the world! This may be due to iNaturalist featuring it as “New & Noteworthy” on the project page.

Everyone, please add your crab observations to this project, as they are not automatically added.

Here are some interesting observations in recent months:

A new species:
A Leucisca squalina (Purse Crab) by @seastung in South Africa (needs confirmation to be “Research Grade”):

Here are two new Eurasian Freshwater Crabs by @chekiangense_longpotamon in China:
A Paratelphusula burmensis:
A Sinopotamon kwanhsienense; this is one of two observations (needs confirmation to be “Research Grade”):

A rarely seen Kelp Crab was spotted twice by @flaviomendes in Brazil, about a week apart:
Epialtus bituberculatus
and Epialtus brasiliensis:

@bergylta is the person who has documented more Lithodes maja (Norway King Crab) than anyone on iNaturalist, but in a Swedish fjord. Here’s one:

Two Australian divers found the very special Austrodromidia octodentata (Bristled Sponge Crab) with its orange eyes perfectly matching its surroundings. @johnsear found one on an orange ascidian:
and @drelodiecamprasse found one under an orange sponge:

Thanks to @wernerdegier, a Calappa pustules (Box Crab) found by @manuelaviage in Angola is now identified:

That’s all for now. Please notify me if you see any crabs new to iNaturalist. Thanks! Wendy @wendy5

Publicado el 01 de septiembre de 2022 a las 05:19 PM por wendy5 wendy5


Thanks for your encouragement

Anotado por chekiangense_long... hace cerca de 2 años

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