Converting to Collection Project & beyond ....

It might take very long time for the project to cover 90% of obs of odonata registered. So, the project was converted to "collection project" today. It, therefore, won't demand much attention for maintenance and no longer needs to add into the project manually.


Besides, an "umbrella project" was also created to cover other projects of the same theme, "Odonata of Asia". Welcome to visit the project.

此外,也設了一個「傘型專案」,這個傘底下集合了 iNat 上其他的亞州國家的蜻蜓主題專案。網址如下,歡迎瀏覽、利用。

It's quite interesting to find out more obs and learn more about species in our neighboring countries, which usually have very similar species distributed. The advantage of taxon allows us to roam all over other obs registered on iNat to know more about odonata in our neighboring areas.


In addition, some interesting statics worth sharing about Odonata observations on iNat in Asia. (as of now, 9:50pm, Aug. 26, 2022)

有些有趣的統計數據(iNat 上的蜻蛉目物種觀察)值得分享(八月26日 9:50pm 的統計)。

observations 觀察記錄(數量)

  1. SG 新加坡 28,666.
  2. TW 台 27,179,
  3. HK 港 21,427,
  4. Indonesia 印尼 (ID) 12,305
  5. Thai (TH) 泰 10,139

species 觀察到的物種種類

  1. ID 印尼 & CN 中 377,
  2. TH 泰 344,
  3. MY 馬 292
  4. India (IN) 印度 269

observers 觀察者人數

  1. TW 台 2,421
  2. ID 印尼 1,554
  3. HK 港 1,499
  4. MY 馬 1,454
  5. JP 日 987
Publicado el 26 de agosto de 2022 a las 02:30 PM por aru aru


Let's go for number 1 of observations!

Anotado por fangshuohu hace casi 2 años

I admire such an ambition. There are far less Singaporean participants on iNat, but the climate allows them to have abundant of Odonata species on the fly all year round. Just chk the statistics, there are 919 users contributed obs of Odonata in S'pore, but 2,413, Taiwan. I think the goal is feasible. Go, go, go!

Anotado por aru hace casi 2 años

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