Physalis Diversity

Physalis is basically a New World genus. Most species previously described from the Old World (for example, Alkekengi officinarum) have been segregated from Physalis after phylogenetic analyses suggested that they were genetically distinct from the New World species.

About 25 species of Physalis are native, naturalized, or widely cultivated in the US.

As a whole, the genus includes about 100 species, though new species are still being described, particularly from Mexico, which is the center of diversity. At least 65 species of Physalis are known to occur in Mexico.

The number of species found growing native or naturalized drops as you move down through Central and South America. For example, Flora Mesoamericana recognizes 26 species as occurring from southeastern Mexico through Central America. Flora of Argentina accepts 7 species as occurring in Argentina, and 10 when southern Brasil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay are included.

Several species of Physalis are weeds now found worldwide in areas with warm climates. These include annuals such as P. angulata and P. pubescens, and perennials such as P. peruviana and P. viscosa.

Physalis in Jalisco:
Martínez M, Vargas-Ponce O, Rodríguez A, Chiang F, Ocegueda S. 2017. Solanaceae family in Mexico. Botanical Sciences 95(1): 131-45.

Solanaceae in Mexico: Martínez et al. "Solanaceae Family in Mexico" at

For southern Mexico and Central America:
Davidse, G., M. Sousa Sánchez, S. Knapp & F. Chiang Cabrera. 2030. Solanaceae a Caprifoliaceae. 5(1): ined. In C. Ulloa Ulloa, H. M. Hernández Macías, F. R. Barrie & S. Knapp Fl. Mesoamer. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.

Instituto de Botánica Darwinion. 2018. Flora del Cono Sur.

Physalis Fact Sheet from the Electronic Flora of South Australia:

Southeast: Sullivan, Janet R. "The genus Physalis (Solanaceae) in the southeastern United States." Rhodora (2004): 305-326.
New Mexico:
Flora Neomexicana III : An Illustrated Identification Manual, part 2, 2nd edition, 2020.

Publicado el 26 de mayo de 2022 a las 03:49 PM por m_whitson m_whitson


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