Van recherchepsycholoog bij de politie naar nomade. Die stap zette Tamar Valkenier (34). Op haar 28ste besloot ze alles achter te laten om fulltime te kunnen reizen.
In haar boek Fulltime Avonturier vertelt ze er alles over. En nu ook aan
Valkenier wilde altijd al recherchepsycholoog bij de politie worden. “Het was mijn droombaan. Ik had er acht jaar voor gestudeerd”, vertelt ze. Maar al snel werd ze nieuwsgierig naar een ander leven. “Ik had mijn voet gebroken bij een skydive-landing en zat bij mijn vader op de bank. Het enige wat ik hoorde was de klok die tikte. Ik kon alleen maar denken dat het enige wat ik deed, was de tijd uitzitten.”
Protected areas and nature recovery in the UK
The launch event for a new report from the British Ecological Society examining Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s pledge to protect 30% of UK land and seas by 2030 to support nature recovery.
Read the report from Fri 22 Apr: https://www.britishecologicalsociety....
Protected areas and nature recovery in the UK
Insectageddon: is global insect extinction real?
News headlines in recent years have proclaimed that over 40% of all insect species are in decline, and many approach extinction. But are these numbers correct? Is the reality better, or even much worse, than we think?
Entomologist, broadcaster, and author Professor Adam Hart leads a panel debate of international insect experts to discuss these headlines, crunch the numbers and analyse the fact and fiction behind global insect extinction.
Join Adam alongside National Museums Scotland entomology collection curator Ashleigh Whiffin, insect decline ecologist Dr Manu Saunders, and biodiversity specialist Dr Nick Isaac to find out the latest on this contentious and vital issue and ask your questions to the panel.
Organised by the British Ecological Society in association with the Royal Entomological Society for celebrating ‘Insect Week’
Our panel:
Adam Hart is an entomologist, Trustee of the Royal Entomological Society, and Professor of Science Communication at the University of Gloucestershire. As well as research and teaching, he is a regular broadcaster for BBC Radio 4 and the BBC World Service, presenting documentaries on topics from trophy hunting to tree diseases. He has also presented the weekly science program Science in Action for the BBC World Service. On television, Adam has co-presented several documentary series, most notably BBC4’s Planet Ant and BBC2’s Hive Alive. Adam is also an author of many popular science books, including ‘Unfit for Purpose: when human evolution collides with the modern world’
Dr Nick Isaac is a macroecologist at the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. His research team develops methods for the analysis of biodiversity data, including for unstructured occurrence records and for biodiversity indicators. His research describes trends in biodiversity and investigates the causes of these trends, mostly using data on UK invertebrates.
Ashleigh Whiffin is Assistant Curator of Entomology at National Museums Scotland, responsible for the care and development of the insect collection, containing approximately 2.5 million specimens. Her research focuses around carrion ecology, specialising on Carrion Beetles (which are vital for the decomposition of vertebrate remains), for which she also co-organises a National Recording Scheme for. She works closely with several entomological groups to promote her subject, including working with the Royal Entomological Society’s Outreach & Development committee and is the current Chair of Edinburgh Entomological Club; and internationally, she is co-communications officer for the Entomological Collections Network.
Dr Manu Saunders is a Lecturer in Ecology at the University of New England, Armidale, Australia. Manu has published critical articles about the widely reported ‘insect apocalypse’. Her research focuses largely on how insects create links between habitats and people, and how land use changes and agricultural management influences biodiversity and ecosystem processes at local and landscape scales. Manu is also a science communicator, and founder of ‘Wild Pollinator Count’, a non-profit organisation promoting evidence-based conservation of native pollinator insects across Oceania.
Birds by Scandinavianz
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Track: Voyage — Lahar [Audio Library Release]
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Lioness (Instrumental) by DayFox
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Secrets (instrumental) by RYYZN
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Insectageddon: is global insect extinction real?
Ecology Live with Jason Tylianakis - Unravelling the web of life
The British Ecological Society is broadcasting free online talks on the latest ecological research throughout Spring 2021. Sponsored by Oxford University Press
Jason M. Tylianakis of University of Canterbury, New Zealand presents his talk 'Unravelling the web of life: species interactions in a changing world'
Global environmental changes are driving species extinctions, which can influence ecosystem functioning. Many ecosystem processes involve interactions among many different species within a community, and these networks of interactions may be disrupted long before the species involved go extinct.
"I’ll show how methods such as resource partitioning and trait matching can provide understanding of how network structure influences ecosystem functioning. Unfortunately, interaction networks can propagate environmental change effects across landscapes, but these influences may be predictable."
These talks are aimed at anyone with an interest in the latest research in ecology and its applications, from undergraduates to working ecologists and research leaders. We have a full season of 12 exciting talks with world leading researchers, so register here to enjoy them live: https://www.britishecologicalsociety....
Ecology Live with Jason Tylianakis - Unravelling the web of life
BES Festival of Ecology 2020 - Thematic Session: Nature-based Solutions - Woodlands
BES Festival of Ecology 2020 - Thematic Session: Nature-based Solutions - Woodlands
Land van Ons in de media
Het Leidsch Dagblad laat de bollenteler van het beoogde perceel in Wassenaar aan het woord over de verschillende belangen die spelen en de sympathieke rol van Land van Ons daarin.
Dagblad van het Noorden schreef vorige maand een artikel over het compostproject op Holtesch.
Onze Boer Howard (Biesterhof) schreef een column in het regionale agrarisch vakblad Vee&Gewas over zichzelf als ‘vreemde eend’ in de bijt’
Het Purmerends Dagblad schreef naar aanleiding van de Bijenmarkt Beemster over de inspanningen van Land van Ons
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