A Bird in the Hand...

An article I wrote for my daughter's high school ecology class's bird banding field trip...
Hooded Warbler
© Photographer: William Wise | iNat Observation: 23203479 - Hooded Warbler; Clarke County, Georgia. April 25, 2019.

April 25, 2019 - I was privileged to be allowed by my teenage daughter (with the promise, of course, that I wouldn’t embarrass her by being a “bird nerd”) to accompany her on a field trip to the University of Georgia Whitehall Forest. Having spent many, many hours of field study in this same forest in the 90’s, I was excited to return. I hope the experience not only sparked some bird-nerdiness in my daughter, but may have also planted a seed to study at the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources like her father. Here follows an article I wrote for a birding website...

“A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”… especially when teaching high school students about ecology and conservation. Two groups of Ms. Carly Chandler’s AP Environmental students from Cedar Shoals High School in Athens, Georgia participated in a bird banding field trip in April, 2019.

Bird banding is the attachment of uniquely numbered metal bands to the leg of a wild bird to help scientists study the migratory movements, population dynamics and life histories of birds. The excited group of students not only saw first-hand how the birds were caught and removed from mist nets in the Whitehall Experimental Forest, but also participated in the band recording process.

Brown Thrasher Banding
© Photographer: William Wise | iNat Observation: 23203482 - Brown Thrasher; Clarke County, Georgia. April 25, 2019.

During the trip, the students met with Dr. Richard Chandler, Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Management from the University of Georgia’s Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources. Dr. Chandler demonstrated safe handling techniques and offered several students the opportunity to hold and release a few of the captured and banded birds.

Kentucky Warbler
© Photographer: William Wise | iNat Observation: 23203474 - Kentucky Warbler; Clarke County, Georgia. April 25, 2019.

In addition some common Georgia birds like the Brown Thrasher and Carolina Wren, the groups caught two brightly colored warblers, a Kentucky Warbler and a Hooded Warbler, that recently arrived during the spring migration. Dr. Chandler explained how habitat destruction, either here in their North American breeding grounds, or in their southern over-wintering territories could greatly affect the overall health and numbers of migratory bird populations. ​

“The field trip was an amazing experience”, said Cedar Shoals student Amanda Wise. “It was a very insightful trip that taught us about the biodiversity of birds and how big of a world we are in. It is definitely not every day that you can catch, hold and band a bird!”

Louisiana Waterthrush
© Photographer: William Wise | iNat Observation: 23203463 - Louisiana Waterthrush; Clarke County, Georgia. April 25, 2019.

Publicado el 27 de abril de 2022 a las 04:34 PM por williamwisephoto williamwisephoto


Fotos / Sonidos


Saltapared de Carolina (Thryothorus ludovicianus)


Abril 25, 2019 a las 09:26 AM EDT


Bird Banding; Clarke County, Georgia. I was privileged to accompany my daughter's AP Environmental class on a bird banding field trip to the University of Georgia's Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources Whitehall Forest. See the photo journal at http://williamwisephoto.com/photographyblog/bird-banding-field-trip.

Fotos / Sonidos


Cardenal Rojo (Cardinalis cardinalis)


Abril 25, 2019 a las 09:50 AM EDT


Bird Banding; Clarke County, Georgia. I was privileged to accompany my daughter's AP Environmental class on a bird banding field trip to the University of Georgia's Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources Whitehall Forest. See the photo journal at http://williamwisephoto.com/photographyblog/bird-banding-field-trip.

Fotos / Sonidos


Chipe Arroyero (Parkesia motacilla)


Abril 25, 2019 a las 10:17 AM EDT


Bird Banding; Clarke County, Georgia. I was privileged to accompany my daughter's AP Environmental class on a bird banding field trip to the University of Georgia's Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources Whitehall Forest. See the photo journal at http://williamwisephoto.com/photographyblog/bird-banding-field-trip.

Fotos / Sonidos


Chipe Patilludo (Geothlypis formosa)


Abril 25, 2019 a las 10:25 AM EDT


Bird Banding; Clarke County, Georgia. I was privileged to accompany my daughter's AP Environmental class on a bird banding field trip to the University of Georgia's Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources Whitehall Forest. See the photo journal at http://williamwisephoto.com/photographyblog/bird-banding-field-trip.

Fotos / Sonidos


Chipe Encapuchado (Setophaga citrina)


Abril 25, 2019 a las 10:35 AM EDT


Bird Banding; Clarke County, Georgia. I was privileged to accompany my daughter's AP Environmental class on a bird banding field trip to the University of Georgia's Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources Whitehall Forest. See the photo journal at http://williamwisephoto.com/photographyblog/bird-banding-field-trip.

Fotos / Sonidos


Cuicacoche Castaño (Toxostoma rufum)


Abril 25, 2019 a las 10:48 AM EDT


Bird Banding; Clarke County, Georgia. I was privileged to accompany my daughter's AP Environmental class on a bird banding field trip to the University of Georgia's Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources Whitehall Forest. See the photo journal at http://williamwisephoto.com/photographyblog/bird-banding-field-trip.


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