Alpine Bryophytes of BC

There is a really neat publication from Wilf Schofield that correlates bryophytes to different biogeoclimatic zones in British Columbia. While names have changed with the passing of time, his species lists are based on extensive collections throughout BC. I am trying to reformat these lists and hopefully add some more habitat details as well as other taxa that are not represented on the original lists. Perhaps @dbltucker @ptilidium @terrymcintosh @jamie_fenneman have comments or revisions on this modified list. I have also revised lists for Mountain Hemlock, Subalpine Fir, Coastal Douglas Fir and Coastal Western Hemlock Zones and would like to add an urban bryozone list.

Schofield, W.B. 1988. Bryogeography and the bryophytic characterization of the biogeoclimatic zones of British Columbia, Canada. Can. J. Bot. 66: 2673–2686.

Alpine Mosses

Rock (including soil ledges)
Andreaea blyttii
Andreaea nivalis
Arctoa fulvella
Bartramia ithyphylla
Dicranoweisia crispula
Kiaeria blyttii
Kiaeria falcata
Kiaeria starkei
Mnium blyttii
Oncophorus virens
Racomitrium muticum
Racomitrium sudeticum
Syntrichia norvegica

Aongstroemia longipes (mineral)
Bryum weigelii (organic-rich)
Conostomum tetragonum (vernal)
Dicranum pallidisetum (organic rich)
Meiotrichum lyallii (mineral)
Oligotrichum hercynicum
Pohlia cardotii
Pohlia obtusifolia
Polytrichum sexangulare (mineral)
Tortula hoppeana (silt rich, calcareous)

Wetlands and Drainage
Calliergon sarmentosum
Dichodontium olympicum
Hygrohypnum alpinum
Hygrohypnum alpestre
Meesia uliginosa
Sphagnum compactum (Fens)
Sphagnum warnstorfii (Fens)

Alpine Liverworts

Rock (including soil ledges)
Asterella lindenbergiana (crevices)
Clevea hyalina (crevices)
Gymnomitrion concinnatum
Mannia gracilis (crevices)
Tritomaria polita

Barbilophozia floerkei (on shrubs, too)
Barbilophozia quadriloba
Gymnomitrion concinnatum
Lophozia opacifolia
Tritomaria polita

Wetlands and Drainage
Anthelia julacea
Anthelia juratzkana
Cephalozia pleniceps
Haplomitrium hookeri
Marsupella brevissima
Nardia compressa (wet rocks along drainage)
Nardia japonica
Pleurocladula albescens
Scapania obscura
Scapania uliginosa
Schofieldia monticola

Publicado el 17 de febrero de 2022 a las 06:43 PM por rambryum rambryum


Thanks for making me aware of this! Interesting list - some I agree with, some I didn't know about, and others I will keep my eye out for. I will have to look at the paper in more detail.

Anotado por ptilidium hace mas de 2 años

@ptilidium I have been watching your alpine observations and wondering if you wanted to add any to the list here?

Anotado por rambryum hace cerca de un mes

I'll think about it....The list is rather odd for me in terms of the species listed but it may be more biased to coastal areas than what I typically look at in the interior..

Anotado por ptilidium hace cerca de un mes

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