Collaborators and Co-hosts

The Saskatoon and Area City Nature Challenge reflects some of the logos submitted to the CNC project by the Meewasin Valley Authority, Nature Conservancy of Canada, and Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (Saskatchewan Chapter) CPAWS. The Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas started out as hosts, and it is wonderful to place Saskatoon and area on the International scene with people throughout Saskatoon and area taking part in this citizen science City Nature Challenge April 29-May 2.

There are neighbouring towns, and villages coming on board in support of the Saskatoon and area CNC, as well as some amazing youth groups, green groups, schools additionally!

Thank you kindly to everyone who thinks our biodiversity and nature in Saskatoon and area is exciting, and great to document during the City Nature Challenge. We will continue to reach out to businesses, communities, and groups to let them know of this first ever exciting adventure for the City of Saskatoon and area!

Publicado el 04 de febrero de 2022 a las 11:04 PM por saskatoonafforestationareas saskatoonafforestationareas


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