We're hiring a Systems Architect to help iNaturalist scale!

As you might have noticed, some parts of iNaturalist have struggled to keep up with growth. We haven’t grown our small team at iNaturalist for more than three years now, and in that time the site has grown more than 400%.

We’re pleased to announce that we are now searching for a skilled systems architect to help us keep iNaturalist scaling. While we’d like to start as soon as possible with the contract and some specific needs, our intent is to hire a full-time systems architect once the contract is completed.

You can find the job posting here.

Publicado el 21 de enero de 2022 a las 11:44 PM por loarie loarie


Exciting! Hoping for the best applicants. :)

Anotado por sambiology hace mas de 2 años

Thrilled to know that the staff will be increasing! May it continue in that direction!

Anotado por jdmore hace mas de 2 años

Sent it on to a friend who has masters in both zoology and systems engineering, as I think they are currently job searching for positions like this that use both worlds!

Anotado por sunguramy hace mas de 2 años

Great news!

Anotado por connlindajo hace mas de 2 años

Congratulations to the new team member. The flora and fauna continue to multiply.

Anotado por aviewer hace mas de 2 años


Anotado por charlie hace mas de 2 años

Hope you get someone great to join the already great team!

Anotado por susanhewitt hace mas de 2 años

Exciting stuff!

Anotado por lisa_bennett hace mas de 2 años
Anotado por murphyslab hace mas de 2 años

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