We are done observing

We are done observing - the 2021 Great Southern Bioblitz is finished.

Now we have just over a week to upload our observations and identify them.

So any summaries are provisional, but I think we can agree that overall we have done very well, and several areas have done outstandingly.

  • We have four regions in the top 10 observations
  • We have four regions in the top 10 species
  • We have two regions in the top 10 observers.
    Well done everyone, and a special thanks to the organizers and coordinators:.

Some of us will take a day or two to finish uploading, but with any luck all your uploading is done.

If you wish to start with identifications.

Round 1: clear observations without any identification:
Round 1 consists of 2,600 observations at present.

Round 2: clear those that need to get to research grade:
At this stage 68% of our observations are Needs ID - so quite a task ahead of us

(if you need a refresher on how the identification curator works, please see https://vimeo.com/246153496

Current statistics:
Total observations at midnight: 31,848
Observations casual: 1,202 (4%)
Observations Need ID: 21,539 (68%) of which 2,609 (8%) have no ID at all!
Observatoins Research Grade: 9,117 (29%)

Publicado el 25 de octubre de 2021 a las 10:13 PM por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo



We need to find an observation of the Great Southern Bioblitz 2021 Southern Africa - and presumably one for each town/region/country.
Vote for your favourite observations by clicking the fave button.
You may vote for as many (or as few) observations as you like.

Anotado por tonyrebelo hace casi 3 años

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