247-New Tool to Export to iNaturalist

New Tool to Export to iNaturalist https://www.digikam.org/about/features/
A new plugin was developed and tested to export photos to iNaturalist. This web-service is a social network of naturalists, citizen scientists, and biologists built on the concept of mapping and sharing observations of biodiversity across the globe. iNaturalist receive observations of plants, animals, fungi, and other organisms worldwide, and around 130K users were currently active.

iNaturalist describes itself as “an online social network of people sharing biodiversity information to help each other learn about nature”, with its primary goal being to connect people to nature. Although it is not a science project itself, iNaturalist is a platform for science and conservation efforts, providing valuable open data to research projects, land managers, other organizations, and the public.
Plugin-WebService-iNaturalist https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=394544
Ben Armstrong 2018-06-10 10:13:31 UTC
See https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/developers and https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/api+reference which provides a place for developers to start on this.

I'm trying to use Digikam to establish a photo processing workflow entirely based on open source software.

On the input/import end, I'm using OsmAnd on Android to collect GPS tracks, OpenCamera on Android to take photos. Then I use Digikam to GPS correlate tracks & photos from my discrete camera (and also to supplement Android photos with DOP values from the OsmAnd tracks, which the Android platform doesn't yet support recording in EXIF natively). Currently, I do all other editing & photo processing within Digikam.

For exporting, I typically publish (currently via batch uploads of files through the web interfaces of each platform) to five different target platforms: Strava (a group for stewards of our local wilderness trail), Facebook (valuable to support discussions with a broader community not on other platforms), Flickr (mostly as fairly large, "free" cloud storage), Wordpress (self-hosted), and iNaturalist. Anything I can do to automate / optimize / cut out redundancy in my workflow would greatly improve life for me

Genus Macrotera will be in the model this time around (as a leaf node, so no children in the vision model). It looks like we have just over 350 training images for the genus.

MARCH 2020

JULY 2021

OCT -DEC2021

LEAF= s a leaf node, so no children in the vision model
LEAF=In the tree that our vision system sees, genera can be leaves if we don’t have enough photos to train any of the child species but we do have enough photos to train at the genus leve
BADGE=The record is present in the AI, CV
LEAF= level and also using what we call a common ancestor - rolling scores up the tree to find a higher level suggestion with a higher combined score. I know you've been actively investigating ML and our vision system for a while, but in case you haven't seen this video, Ken-ichi explains our process in his keynote at TDWG last year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfbabznYFV0 - the relevant content starts at about the 16 minute mark.

In that context, how to interpret a **badge on a family? Would it mean that the family itself is in the model as a leaf node (

Plugin-WebService-iNaturalist https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=394544


iNat Computer Vision Training (Number of Images per Traing)

iNat Computer Vision Training (Number of Images per Traing)

Dit weekend was de uitzending op tv te zien waarin ik met Eddy Zoëy op pad mocht voor de otter bij RTV Utrecht. Hier kun je de aflevering van Natuurlijk Zoëy terugkijken: https://lnkd.in/dND5fQVZ

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_J8xTnI2g88 2019-11-04 Dr. M.F. (Femke) de Jong - De oceaancirculatie in een veranderend klimaat

Dr. M.F. (Femke) de Jong - De oceaancirculatie in een veranderend klimaat

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  • VLEN Tilburg 2021 Vleermuizen





    09:15 u. Zaal open met stands. Koffie en thee gesponsord door de Gemeente Tilburg
    10:00 u. Opening door Niels de Zwarte, dagvoorzitter
    10:10 u. Lessen uit zes jaar Soort Management Plan (SMP) Tilburg Mischa Cillessen
    10:35 u. Grootoorvleermuizen in de Groote Peel Chris Driessen
    11:00 u. Wat is de zoönotische potentie van vleermuisvirussen in Nederland? Lineke Begeman
    11:25 u. Too hot or not? De invloed van kleur en materiaal op temperatuur en relatieve luchtvochtigheid in enkelvoudige platte, vleermuiskasten in Nederland. David Brouwer
    11:50 u. De nacht van de Vleermuis 2021 – organiseer jij volgend jaar ook een activiteit? Carlo Wijnen
    12:05 u.

    Pauze - zelf meegebrachte lunch of te koop bij de cateraar.

    Stands bezoeken en met elkaar in gesprek

    13:15 u. Uitreiking van de Leo Bels- prijs 2021 Erik Korsten
    13:40 u. Nieuwe (technologische) methoden voor monitoring van vogel- en vleermuisvoorzieningen Sicco Jansen
    14:05 u. Het rabiësvaccinatiebeleid voor vleermuiswerkers Peter Lina
    14:25 u. Koffie- en theepauze. Stands bezoeken. Koffie en thee gesponsord door de Gemeente Tilburg
    15:00 u. Delen van korte waarnemingen/ ervaringen: Winst bij de Raad van State mede mogelijk gemaakt door de vele donaties van jullie!; Hoe mijdt je vogels uit vleermuiskasten e.a. – Meld je aan bij Niels de Zwarte voor een korte voordracht! o.l.v. Niels de Zwarte
    16:00 u. Gebruik van geur door vleermuizen en mogelijke toepassingen hiervan Minka Kocks
    16:20 u. Vleermuizen in bossen. Resultaten van onderzoek in Amelisweerd middels verschillende methodes Marco Snijder
    16:45 u. Afsluiting door de dagvoorzitter
    17:00 u. Einde
    17:30 u. Sluiting gebouw
    Mogelijkheid om op eigen kosten gezamenlijk iets te gaan eten en na te spreken.


    In de stad en op het platteland, op boerenerven en bedrijfsterreinen: Nederland telt veel lokale initiatieven om de natuur te versterken en de biodiversiteit te herstellen. Om de bundeling van deze lokale
    samenwerking tot een landelijke beweging kracht bij te zetten, organiseerde de stichting
    1. Samen voor Biodiversiteit - Louise Vet
    2. Daan Bleichrodt - Project Bruisende Bedrijventerreinen
    3. Josien van Harten - Project Bloeiend Nieuwegein
    4. Jantine Schinkelshoek - Project Hoopheggen
    5. Initiatieven-verdienen-landelijke-uitrol

    6. Publicado el 23 de octubre de 2021 a las 01:24 PM por ahospers ahospers


      ooks like the web app, shut down some time back. I have restarted it and updated the links.
      Just in case, this is address 45 (the ip address should not change)
      This app visualizes model predictions for a Computer Vision model trained on iNaturalist data

      You can read more about how this model was trained here

      Here is a rough guide to use this app :

      Look at the predictions on a Random image from the validation set
      Look at the Accuracy Summary for different taxonomic groups
      For example to look at the summary by Kingdom
      I personally find the summary by Order most useful
      Look at the errors at different levels in the taxonomic heirarchy.
      For example to look at errors where the model got the Kingdom wrong !
      For example to look at errors where the the model got the Species wrong
      This is a personal project by Satyajit Gupte
      I would be happy to hear anything you have to say. You can reach me at gupte.satya or on iNat


      Google provides three models that have been trained with iNaturalist data - classification models for plants, birds, and insects. These Google models can be downloaded and used with Google's TensorFlow and TensorFlow Lite tools.

      Publicado por optilete hace 9 meses


      Further Reading

      The Recipe from PyTorch

      A nice paper on tuning hyper-parameters. The same author also came up with cyclical learning rates.

      Trivial Auto Augment

      How label smoothing helps

      CutMix, another clever augmentation strategy , which I did not try out.

      Geo Prior Model that encodes location and time

      How biologists think about classification ! This is a very good read.

      Anotado por ahospers hace cerca de un año

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