Week 3 Plans

Tomorrow, I'll be visiting Kerman, CA and check out that part of San Joaquin River there. I saw on the map it's temporarily closed but if there's access somewhere else, I could check it out. If there's none, I'm planning to go to Sycamore Island, Ave 7 1/2, Madera, CA with nature trails for walking, biking, nature observations, huge Sycamore and Oak trees. There's Sycamore Island Trout Pond that stocks Hatchery trouts during hot summer months. It should be fun to visit. I wasn't able to take good pictures of fishes in the river last week, only very small fishes which is difficult to see in pictures. I hope to get pictures of squirrels that I missed last week. They moved too fast, same as the birds and insects that I wasn't able to capture on camera.

Publicado el 03 de octubre de 2021 a las 12:20 AM por stem77 stem77


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