When and Where did you see What?

Friday September 24, 2021 at 7:00 pm ZOOM intro to iNaturalist CST Central Standard Time (CST) is six hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
The Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas will be presenting an " Introduction to iNaturalist" workshop virtually online. If you are interested in signing up for this virtual webinar use this eventbrite link https://www.inaturalist.org/journal/saskatoonafforestationareas/56080-when-and-where-did-you-see-what
This workshop builds on the iNaturalist presentation to Master Naturalists - entitled "When and Where did you See What?" by Sam Kieschnick iNaturalist curator and Urban Wildlife Biologist, "An intro to iNaturalist" by cassi saari a field biologist, ecological restoration practitioner and iNaturalist curator and Patrick McCrea a wildlife ecologist along with "A brief orientation to iNaturalist" by Carrie Seltzer, PhD in ecology staff member for the iNaturalist communication network. The workshop assists with getting involved with identifications on iNaturalist, taking observations to the next level and not to worry about being self conscious or anxious about your observations, and welcoming users. We would really like to impress the group with the community aspect of how iNaturalist comes together.
It is great fun to use iNaturalist, and get engaged with an amazing group of naturalists online, and meet some of them in-person! This is a great social network connection for anyone who enjoys and appreciates nature. iNaturalist is a great way to create field guides, and have a readily available calendar to refer to. As you wander and explore the great out of doors, often times you may have stopped to wonder what that was? The iNaturalist is a tool that can assist you to learn and answer this very question and discover the answer to "What is that, anyways?"

Publicado el 04 de septiembre de 2021 a las 09:17 PM por saskatoonafforestationareas saskatoonafforestationareas


That isn't an eventbrite link 😅 it's the link to this page.

Anotado por panicked_earthling hace cerca de 3 años

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