2016 Goals

  • Reach 1000 species here on iNaturalist (started the year at 476, am now at 483...need another 517)
  • Learn my new DSLR camera--especially maximizing macro photography
  • Visit three local areas I have not yet visited in Spring/Summer (Maidstone Conservation Area, Ojibway Park's Spring Garden area, and Devonwood Conservation Area)
  • Find 10 new spider species
  • Get spider IDs that henceforth have seemed impossible--perhaps some microscopy (grass spiders, crab spiders, wolf spiders, etc.)
  • Find a fox snake and massasauga rattlesnake with @dwakefield in June
  • Find a spotted turtle
  • Find more leaf litter invertebrates (possibly through sifting or a berlese funnel)
  • Contribute some more "firsts" on the country, province, and state level to BugGuide
  • Get and use a sweep net
  • Learn to identify birds of prey and add 2 new species
  • 3 new Odonata (dragonfly/damselfly) species
  • 10 to Lepidoptera (moth/butterfly) species

Pie-In-The-Sky Goals

  • Find a Snowy Owl
  • Find a Piebald Deer at Ojibway Park
  • Prove that Cherry-Faced Meadowhawks exist in Essex County
  • Prove that Smooth Green Snakes still exist in Essex County
  • Get out to the South and/or West and find some animals!
  • Find all the spiders on Gerry Blagoev's Ojibway Checklist
  • Find all the dragonflies on Paul Pratt's Odonata of Essex County Checklist
Publicado el 18 de febrero de 2016 a las 09:28 AM por marknenadov marknenadov


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