One week to lift off, Meadows 14PA04, and checking in with our partners

Meadows 14PA04 is located in the RM of Woodlands and the RM of Rosser. Several parallel drains cross the square joining Sturgeon Creek to the east. Grants Lake WMA is found here. Agriculture dominates the land use in this square.

At the time of posting, 7 observations of 7 species had been uploaded by 2 observers. This is the second square that we have come across where no observation of a plant has been recorded....yet. Birds are currently in the lead with 4 observations. The survey for the Breeding Bird Atlas of Manitoba confirmed 27 bird species nesting here, with another 49 species probable or possible. Here's the full list.

The City Nature Challenge is organized at the global level by the Community Science teams at the California Academy of Sciences and the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. They have refreshed their website with plenty of resources to help both new and experienced observers and identifiers get up to speed on the event. The FAQ page is a great summary of need to know items.

In Canada, the Canadian Nature Federation is leading the way. They also have a great group of resources for your use - and pretty much everything is available in both English and French. Twenty-five projects are affiliated with their umbrella project including some people who did not hear about CNC until after the global deadline and so are 'unofficial' If you or your organization are thinking of organizing a CNC project for a community in Manitoba for next years event, the process starts in October this year. They stretch the process out so the time commitment is not excessive even though the timeline is long. I am happy to share my experience with anyone that is interested.

Social media tags were discussed at the yesterdays meeting of Canadian city organizers and here's the response for your reference...

One of the questions that came up was if there was a hashtag we’d want others to use for iNaturalist. It would be great if you could use #iNaturalistCanada

In addition, as Dave mentioned, please tag CWF when possible:
Twitter: @CWF_FCF
Facebook: @CanadianWildlifeFederation
Facebook FR: @Federationcanadiennedelafaune
Instagram: @cwf_fcf
LinkedIn: Canadian Wildlife Federation

The global event hashtags are #citynaturechallenge and #citynaturechallenge2021

Our project has also found helpful the resources provided to the public by a variety of organizations including Manitoba Division of the Nature Conservancy of Canada, the Conservation and Research at the Assiniboine Zoo, the Manitoba Conservation Data Centre , Nature Manitoba, the CPAWS Manitoba (Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society), the Manitoba Museum and the University of Manitoba Department of Biological Science. Feel free to tag them too if you like them.

Stephen Fricker @stephen169 in Australia has invited us to join them in a Five on Friday - a challenge to do 5 observations during your lunch break on the first day of the event! A little hands around the world flavor to the first event day!

Enjoy today ... for tomorrow it snows! maybe

Publicado el 22 de abril de 2021 a las 02:23 PM por marykrieger marykrieger


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