2 weeks (14 days), Saint Adolphe 14PA30 and the new CNC video is up

Saint Adolphe 14PA30 is shared between the RMs of Macdonald and Ritchot. The Red River flows from the south to north through the square including the town of St Adolphe. The river lot system prevails adjacent to the river. Elsewhere the square is divided by mile road grids and drainage ditches. Agriculture dominates the land use in this square. La Barriere Park is found in the northern section.

At the time of posting, 267 observations had been uploaded by 42 observers, led by @seraphinpoudrier . 167 species are represented including 86 plants, 29 birds and 26 insects. The most frequently observed organism is the Bur oak with 8 observations. The survey for the Breeding Bird Atlas of Manitoba confirmed 20 bird species nesting here, with another 58 species probable or possible. Here's the full list. The City of Winnipeg, Naturalist Services report records 87 plant species confirmed in La Barriere - many of these are only defined at genus level. With the Red Riiver and the La Salle both flowing through this square there is ample room to add more records of species of many different organisms.

I know from all our observations so far that we have a solid core of observers here. The City Nature Challenge is an opportunity for us to introduce iNat to others that also enjoy observing and identifying organisms. The new City Nature Challenge video is up now. It's posted on YouTube and on Vimeo,. Feel free to share it far and wide!

Publicado el 15 de abril de 2021 a las 01:32 PM por marykrieger marykrieger


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