11. Routes, Tracks en Trips methode om afwezigheid aan te geven naast presentie in iNaturalist

Routes, Tracks en Trips methode om afwezigheid aan te geven naast presentie in iNaturalist (11)
Normaal kun je in iNaturalist alleen maar ruwe aanwezigheidsdat aangeven. Absentie kan nu met de "Trip" methode. Het handigst is dit om bij een nachtvlinderval te doen. maar je kunt aangeven naar welke soorten je gezocht hebt (target list) , in welk gebied je gezocht hebt (Het Roege Bos) en hoe lang je naar de soort op zoek bent geweest (Search interval). Als een soort niet aangegeven is dan was deze specifieke soort afwezig. Een Trip is een aangepaste journaal post zoals dit stukje tekst ook is, dus met een titel, een beschrijving maar ook een "Zoekgebied" en "Zoek duur" wat berekend wordt uit Start Tijdstip en Stop Tijdstip.



Wat is een goede naam voor een trip?

Trip, Route (monitoringsroute)

Transect (uit waarneming.nl, maar kan deze term niet bewaard worden als er een gpsroute meegeleverd gaat worden?)

Trips enable the collection of presence-absence data by adding context to your observations
Why Presence-absence data include information about sampling effort which is useful for scientific analyses like distribution modeling (raw iNaturalist observations are 'presence-only' data).

How A trip adds context to your observations by recording:

What you searched for (target list)
Where you searched (search area)
When you searched (search interval)
Species on your target list that you were able to observe within the search area and interval are interpreted as presences. While species on your target list that you were unable to observe are interpreted as absences. Click 'Tabulate Presence Absence Data From Trips' to generate a table of presence-absence records for a species from trips and associated observations.

Trips on iNaturalist are extensions of journal posts. Like journal posts they have titles and descriptions where you can describe the trip. They also have data that capture the search interval (e.g. April 18, 2019 4:00 PM - April 18, 2019 4:40 PM) and search area (Latitude, Longitude, Radius). Distance and Number of Observers are entered by the user to capture more detail about earch effort. Duration is calculated automatically from the search interval.
Trips also record information on what you searched for in the form of a target list. A target list is a non-overlapping set of taxa or species that were searched for. Any species covered by the target list (ie a species on the list or a descendant of a taxon on the list) that is not observed within the radius and duration of this trip is interpreted as an absence. Blue circles indicate the existence of observations of taxa covered by the target list made within within the search area and interval. Note: the target list displayed here has cleans up overlapping taxa. For example, if you entered a genus and a species within it on your target list, only the genus is displayed. Also, we recommend that you don't use trips with obscured obs (ie observations you obscure or observations of taxa automatically obscured) as efforts to mask true locations may lead to misleading results.

How to tabulate data from a trip
To generate presence absence data from a trip, first enter a single species like Western Fence Lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis) to filter trips relevant to that species. You can also optionally filter trips by place, month, or year
The resulting table of trips will include an occupancy column for the species populated with 1s (presences) or 0s (absences) accordingly
You can also access this table in a machine readable JSON format

RoadMap, ReleaseNotes
https://github.com/inaturalist/inaturalistios 1

oes your camera record accuracy? If it does, you may need to send an example image or two to the staff at help@inaturalist.org. (the forum will modify the original image) You’re right that it would be a bug - this feature was added in 2018. https://github.com/inaturalist/inaturalist/commit/6633cf76cd0baca1b809b6cdb8d12aa23df067f9 1

Trips enable the collection of presence-absence data by adding context to your observations

Why Presence-absence data include information about sampling effort which is useful for scientific analyses like distribution modeling (raw iNaturalist observations are 'presence-only' data).

How A trip adds context to your observations by recording:

  • What you searched for (target list)
  • Where you searched (search area)
  • When you searched (search interval)

Species on your target list that you were able to observe within the search area and interval are interpreted as presences. While species on your target list that you were unable to observe are interpreted as absences. Click 'Tabulate Presence Absence Data From Trips' to generate a table of presence-absence records for a species from trips and associated observations.

1191 original

How to find a trip

  • You can search for trips relevant to a taxon (ie trips with target lists covering the taxon), place (ie trips with latitudes and longitudes within the place), and month or year (ie trips with start dates on that month or year)

  • To view a single trip you can click on the trip id

  • You can generate a table of presence-absence records for a species from trips and associated observations

  • And you can make trips of your own

How to view a trip

  • Trips on iNaturalist are extensions of journal posts. Like journal posts they have titles and descriptions where you can describe the trip. They also have data that capture the search interval (e.g. April 18, 2019 4:00 PM - April 18, 2019 4:40 PM) and search area (Latitude, Longitude, Radius). Distance and Number of Observers are entered by the user to capture more detail about earch effort. Duration is calculated automatically from the search interval.

  • Trips also record information on what you searched for in the form of a target list. A target list is a non-overlapping set of taxa or species that were searched for. Any species covered by the target list (ie a species on the list or a descendant of a taxon on the list) that is not observed within the radius and duration of this trip is interpreted as an absence. Blue circles indicate the existence of observations of taxa covered by the target list made within within the search area and interval. Note: the target list displayed here has cleans up overlapping taxa. For example, if you entered a genus and a species within it on your target list, only the genus is displayed. Also, we recommend that you don't use trips with obscured obs (ie observations you obscure or observations of taxa automatically obscured) as efforts to mask true locations may lead to misleading results.

How to create a trip

  • Like journal posts, your trip must have a Title and can have a Description to give some context.

  • You can optionally record the distance you traveled and the number of observes to better describe your search effort

  • The time interval during which you were searching is defined by start and end times.

  • The area within which you were searching is defined by a circle with a center (latitude and longitude) and a radius in meters. You can create this circle by centering it on an iNaturalist place (e.g. Ring Mountain Open Space Preserve), an address, by positioning it manually on the map, or by entering the latitude, longitude and radius directly.

  • What you were searching for is defined by your target list. These can be species or coarser groups of species. They will be interpreted as a non-overlapping set made up of the coarsest taxa on your list. Its important not to put anything on your list that you did not attempt to detect. If you have a coarse grouping on your list like Lady Beetles, this means that you attempted to detect and observe each species in this group at least once.

  • You can populate your target list by selecting one of the high level groupings on the left

  • Or by manually searching for a species or grouping

  • When you're done, save your trip to finish later, or publish it to share it publically.

How to tabulate data from a trip

  • To generate presence absence data from a trip, first enter a single species like Western Fence Lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis) to filter trips relevant to that species. You can also optionally filter trips by place, month, or year

  • The resulting table of trips will include an occupancy column for the species populated with 1s (presences) or 0s (absences) accordingly

  • You can also access this table in a machine readable JSON format

  1. Routes, Tracks en Trips methode om afwezigheid aan te geven naast presentie in iNaturalist

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Fenologiewaarnemingen met Vruchten, Bloemen en Bloemknoppen(uit Florida)

Publicado el 29 de diciembre de 2020 a las 10:31 AM por ahospers ahospers


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