My first time seeing fossa mating.

I was going to meet Bill and Melinda Gates at the Anjajavy airport when one of our Reserve guard called the desk to inform that some fossa were in a tree mating.

Publicado el 13 de abril de 2015 a las 05:20 AM por cedroc cedroc


Fotos / Sonidos


Gato Fossa de Madagascar (Cryptoprocta ferox)




Noviembre 2013


A female with 4 different males over a period of 3 days in the highest tree of a forest hill near ponds.
The fossas where meowing during the mating while a dozen of parrots in an adjacent tree were squawking loudly like if they were answering to the vocalizations of the fossas.

The coitus was sometimes intersperse with violent blows of paws or jaws.
4 Male fossas were waiting in the same tree lying on other branches. Some of them looked completely exhausted.


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